A Warm Winter

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It's been a few days back in the kingdom and I have already grown bored of being here. My days consist of working and taking walks. The kingdom thankfully hasn't been under attack so the people are safe. Walter comes out of the storage room with a smile.

"(y/n) I can take it from here, have a rest you've helped me a lot" Walter says and I nod not wanting to stay. I take off the apron and leave the store getting a rush a cold air. I shiver and sneeze and like magic Lyon is beside me when I open my eyes.

"L-Lyon?!" I explain am hold myself and try and stop shivering. He frowns and then smiles.

"Oh (y/n), you're shivering my dear" He says in a sweet tone that brings colour to my cheeks. He hops off his horse and I see he has a bag. "Y'know Link, Zelda, and I were talking about you" 

"W-W-Were you?" I stutter from being so cold. Lyon frowns and drapes his arms around me and pulls me close to him. He is so warm I forget about the situation and nuzzle my face into his chest. So warm...soft, smells nice as well. I think to myself and I hear Lyon chuckle.

"Yes we were, it's getting colder and you don't have clothes so Link brought this in for you...of course I finished it by buying you some mittens and hat. (Picture above with matching colour mittens and beanie hat). I smile at the thought of Link actually warming up to me. He hands the bag to me.

"I'm sorry my dear but I have to go now, I know I am busy a lot and I'm sure you are too but let's work something out. Maybe we could hang out sometime" Lyon says getting back on his horse and winks at me. I play with my fingers and I see a hand extend to me and touch my cheek. "Stay warm" Lyon says softly and genuinely. The warmth from his hand warms me and I relish in it. He then leaves and I quickly put on the coat and mittens and hat. I warm up by my neck is still cold. I walk around and see the hill with that willow tree and grave on it. I tilt my head and then walk up the hill, the hill is lying...It's bigger than I thought. I make it up to the top and see a grave. I walk over and see it is not cared for at all. I dust around the faded letters and it says Mira. I fall on my butt and I feel my heart speed up. I feel chills go down my back and I can't help but feel as if I'm not wanted here. I shove my feelings aside and do what's right. I use my hands and try to sweep away dust and leaves. Soon it looks beautiful again. I hear a crunch of leaves and I turn around and Link is standing there looking as shocked as I am.

"Link..I-" I say and think of an excuse.

"You truly are a good soul aren't you" Link says and walks over to me. I flinch as his hand extends towards me. He pets my head and I look up at him. "I couldn't bring myself to clean it...it took a lot to even come up here" Link admits. I snake my arm around his back as if I was his good friend and stand by his side. A smile forms on his face and I smile at him softly. I sneeze and dig my neck into the coat. "Wait..how did you get those?" Link asks and points at the coat, mittens, and hat.

"Lyon gave them to me saying you brought up a good thought saying I didn't have winter clothing" I say with a smile. "Thank you, Link" I say happily.

"Well no problem but I didn't give him permission to give them to you. I was coming to stop by today...I only mentioned it saying that I was gonna stop by" Link says trailing off into mutters. 

"I see..." I say and think myself. Why would he do that?.. 

"Anyways...let's go" Link says and takes my hand in his and leads me down the hill and helps me so I don't trip. I feel like I have been stabbed with pins in my back. Something doesn't feel right. I think but push it aside. We walk into town and people stare at us and smile and whisper. What are they staring at? I think and look at me and Link and I realize he's holding my hand still. I whip my hand out of his and Link gives me a curious look. "What's wrong?" Link asks.

"People are staring at us...we were holding hands" I explain to him and he shrugs and grabs my hand very quickly. I blush and hide my face.

"So what? We're good friends..right?" Link says sounding hopeful and a big smile forms ear to ear on my face.

"Yep!" I say and skip closer to him and match his pace in step. Guards come up to us and Link has a talk with them and then drags me along.

"We are going to have dinner at the castle but first lets get you ready" Link instructs me and I have no choice but to agree. We walk to the castle and he leads me up many stairs and opens a door. It's a bedroom with green wallpaper and a nice moss green bed cover, curtains, and bed curtains. Link shuffles in his wardrobe. "We have dinners every night but..." Link says pulling out a tunic like his but a little light green and seemingly softer material. "I want you to come tonight..so it's going to be special" He also grabs two fluffy towels and puffy leggings like his with long socks. He places them on the bed and then walks over to me. 

"Link?" I say questioning him. He grabs the back of my knees making me fall backwards but he catches me and throws me on the bed. "LINK!" I screech and he quickly pulls my hands above my head. "What are you-" He hushes my with his hand. He then walks away and rips my shoes off my feet. He stares at them making me feel uncomfortable and with that he leaves the room and comes back with light brown boots he puts them on me. Wow...don't I feel like a princess. I smile and a soft pink blush forms on my cheeks. 

"How are they?" Link asks and I start walking.

"They fit perfectly" I say spinning around toward him and smiling. He smiles and comes up beside me and takes my coat, hat, and pull the mittens off. 

"Good to hear, the bathroom is through that door a maid is in there so the water is all warmed up" Link says and hands me the towels. "Take a bath and come back in here" He also throws the clothing on top off the towels.

"Um alright" I say and do as he says and like he says, there is a maid in here. 

"Hello ma'am please allow me" She says and removes my clothes.

"Um no, it's okay I can do it" I say and she nods and leaves through another door and I hear a lock so I feel safe again. I sink into the bath with the soapy bubbles and relax. I hear a door open and I assume it's from Link's room.

"LINK!" I hear Lyon's voice boom and it sends shivers down my spine.

"Oh hey Lyon" Link says

"What is the meaning of this?!" Lyon snaps.

"Meaning of what?" Link says confusedly

"People saw you and (y/n) holding hands in town? I thought you were after Zelda?" Lyon says calming down and becoming quieter.

"Well they are right, we did hold hands. However, we are only friends so you can calm down I'm not taking you're little (y/n) away from you" Link says and I hear a crash. With this I spring up from the bath and cover myself with a towel and run out the door. I see Link on the ground against a wall and Lyon's face is bright red with anger and then they both lay eyes on me.

"Link?!" I panic and sit down beside him and help him up. 

"(y/n)!" They both yell in sync. 

"My dear! Where are your clothes?!" Lyon says and runs over to me and grabs me. He then stops and stares at my skin. His cold hands on my warm shoulder chills me and I shiver. "LINK! WHERE ARE HER CLOTHES?!" Lyon yells and turns to Link.

"Hmmm" Link says with a smirk "I don't know~" Link says getting up.

"I was having a bath and Link gave me some new clothes so that's why I am here" I explain and Lyon's shoulders drop down and his hair doesn't stand on end anymore.

"Ah that's good, thank you brother" Lyon says and leaves. I go back into the bath and dry off and come back out in my new clothes. Link throws a brush at me and I look in the mirror and brush my hair out.

"You ready?" Link asks and I nod.

To be continued

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