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"So you mean to tell me, that they are grave robbing the old villains of Hyrule to do something with them so they can take over?" Clark says whilst rubbing his eyes with one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"Yes!" I yell "What is so hard to get?" I exclaim

"Nothing it's just so...odd" Clark says and puffs some smoke out. "Go tell the king. Hold a meeting and try to get everything before the monsters do, I'll do something about that cave... They must be celebrating so they should all be in there"

"What are you gonna do?" I ask and take off my cloak and hang it up.

"Lock em' in there" Clark says with a-matter-of-fact tone in his voice. He rids of his cigarette and walks back over to me. A heavy hand rests upon my head and then he ruffles up my hair. "Good job (y/n) but you should start heading over to the castle. I know you're tired but you gotta go there isn't a moment to spare in this situation" Clark tells me and I know I must go. I first change my clothing and grab my horse and ride back to the kingdom. The sun will be rising soon and as much as I'd love to watch it I can't. I get into the kingdom and guards can't even stop me from how fast I am riding. I hear their whistles blow but I cannot slow. I rush through the town square and make my way down the cobblestone road. Finally I get to the castle but the gates are up once again.

"State your business!" The guard demands and I glare at him.

"I am here to talk to the king. If you do not remember me then let me refresh your memory. It is I (y/n) (y/ln) the goddess of time now let me pass!" I snap and he opens the gate with a gulp. I run through the castle and bang on every door reviving many growls and loud yells. Once they are all up they find me and glare at me. The king looks incredibly angry.

"What is it (y/n) if it isn't anything important than I am going to throw you out of this kingdom" The king snarls

"Well it is important" I say huffing and puffing. "So you know me..casually going for a ride at night into the forest then y'know following some monsters" I say trying to cover up the fact I left again without telling anyone.

"(Y/N)! That's dangerous you should have taken me with you" Lyon says almost hurt.

"When I got inside after a few...small struggles I managed to find a place that I could hide. There seemed to be a rally or meeting of sorts they apparently were after a book in their last invasion" I explain

"A book?" Zelda questions

"Yeah but get this. They needed that book to find out where these old villains graves are" I tell "King of thieves bones, Demise's ashes, and Majora's mask. That's apparently what they are looking for and they'll be after them in about a week or so" I say and catch my breath

"What could they possibly want with those things?" Impa questions

"I don't know but they said once they have them they'll be able to take over Hyrule" I say and take a breath in. I feel the mood switch to panic.

"Whatever it is we must not let them get the items they need. This afternoon we will have a meeting and then you all will be off" The king says "(y/n)" The king says turning to me "Good job" He says with a smile and I smile back twice as much. I'm happy I could have been of use. Once everyone returns to their room the last one to leave is me. I sigh and finally I feel the pain of being thrown around into walls of a cave. I walk painfully back when suddenly a door flies open and I am pulled in. I look up and see it's Lyon.

"(y/n) please take me next time. I know you like doing things on your own but it worries me" Lyon says and I think and pause.

"I don't know if I can...I can handle myself but if I know I can't do it. I'll get you I promise" I tell him and he thinks for a moment and realizes that's as good as it's gonna get with me.

"Well okay" He says and then yawns. I glance at his bed and grow drowsy as well since I have been up all night. "let's go to bed my (y/n)" Lyon says with a purr in his voice that sends shivers running up and down my spine. He leads me into the bed and I take off my boots and climb into the bed with Lyon and almost instantly his arms are wrapped around me. I readjust till I find a good position for the both of us and with that I am out like a light.

~~~~~ Lyon's Pov

I hear the patter of rain on the windows and roof of the castle. I force open my eyes and everything is blurry for a little then my eyes focus on what is in my arms that I am cradling so dearly; (y/n). She's sound asleep. A smile forms on my face and I stare blankly at her and just take it all in. She rolls over a bit and I pull the covers up and back over her shoulder to keep her warm and protected from the changing seasons.

"Oh if you only knew" I mutter to myself

"If I only knew what?" (y/n) says. It catches me off guard and I am taken a back by what she says but then I snapped back to reality

"O-Oh, it was nothing really just...never mind" I stutter which for me is very unusual. I feel the heat rush to my face and I stare at the wall and try not to make eye contact with her and those...beautiful eyes that draw me in so...NO! I will not give into temptation.

"Oh c'mon" (y/n) says with a slightly tired yet seductive voice. "It had to have been something" She murmurs. Before I can even think she rolls back over to face me properly, inches away from my face. She extends her hand towards me and places it on my cheek. "What was it" The words flow out of her mouth and it becomes hard to swallow.

"(y/n)..." I say breathlessly

"Hmm?" She hums softly pushing herself upward and tossing her messy hair aside. I can't take it anymore. Without thinking I pull her down and get on top of her. "Lyon what are you doing?" She asks with a worried voice.

"You've made me so crazy...So..." I can't even finish my sentence because I am overwhelmed with emotions that I can't quite understand.

"Lyon..." (y/n) says and touches my cheek again. I push everything aside and lean downward, taking my left hand to tilting up her chin. She doesn't fight it so I continue. Our faces are inches away from each other but then of course as if the goddesses have spoken there is a bang on my door.

"Dammit" I mutter and get off (y/n) I glance back at her and she has a little smug look on her face and winks at me and rolls back over in the bed. I feel something grow and I try to hide it and distract myself. There is a rapid fire of banging on my door now and I growl lowly and open it.

"Lyoooon~" Zelda says with a hum. If she sees (y/n) in here we'll both be in trouble. I slide open the door a bit and block the view of (y/n) with my body. I realize my chest is exposed and I'm not sure when in the night this happened but it did I guess. I look back up at Zelda's face and it's red.

"Z-Zelda what are you doing here?" I ask and glance back over at (y/n). She seems to have got the memo and got up and starts looking for a place to hide.

"Lyon is everything okay?" Zelda says and tries to push me out of the way.

"Yeah just sick" I lie

"Sick?! Let me treat you then" Zelda says and pushes me back more and I stop her.

"No sorry I'm super tired...before we have to go to that meeting let me sleep okay" I says and start closing the door.

"Lyon!" Zelda snaps but the door is already closed and I look back at (y/n) but she's gone. Suddenly the door flies open and Zelda charges in. "What are you hiding?" She snaps and I gulp.

"Nothing, I just am not up for doing anything right now" I try to tell her and she looks somewhat hurt.

"You don't want to go for a horse ride this morning?" Zelda says with a little lip quiver. I feel incredibly guilty and a sigh escapes my lips.

"Fine, let me get dressed and I'll be out in 10" I groan. Zelda squeals and hugs me tightly. She pulls away and leaves my room.

"(y/n)...You can come out now" I say and I don't hear anything or get an answer. I look around and can't find her anywhere. How did she leave without me or Zelda noticing? I think and then just shrug and get ready.

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