Great Fairy Fountain

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I wake up to a loud crash outside and I take a look and I see dark creatures roaming the alleys. I get rush outside search for help. I find a guard and grab a hold of them. 

"Hey you! Go get those assholes in the castle and tell them there are monsters in the city!" I shout.

"Wha?" The guard says but I take off already. I know I must fight, I don't quite agree with my body right now but I follow it. I sprint down the hallway and out into the guard area where some swords are. I grab a sword and some armor however, I cannot put it on and in frustration I give up and run back to where I last saw the monsters. I see Link and Impa fighting off some monsters and smile thankfully. I jog around through the battle field helping people out and I spot Link fighting once again. A redead comes up behind him and screams, it freezes him and I run as fast as I can toward him. I cut the redead in half and protect Link till he's able to fight.

"(y/n)? What the hell are you doing here!" Link yells at me and I wince at his loud yell.

"I couldn't stand hearing the people scream, I needed to do something" I say and kick a goblin back and cut open its chest. Link remains silent and when I turn around there is a giant fat monster. It then falls and I see Link standing behind it. He doesn't say anything just nods. I smile and nod and he looks at me and starts running. I am confused till he turns back at me and gestures for me to come with him. I nod and run off with him as we fight off the monsters. I look around and I seem to have lost Link. Monsters surround me and back me up into a wall. I turn around and see it's not a wall it's rocks covering something. I climb over the rocks and fall over them on my back. It knocks the wind out of me pluralizing me on the ground which I even have to admit makes me look like a turtle stuck on it's back. I look around and see water is falling from the ceiling and there is a circle. I look on the ground and there is a giant woman. I walk over and stand in the circle. 

"Break the rocks...GET HER!" I hear a dark voice say and I shiver, I have no place to run to. I get down on my knees and pray. 

"Someone...please help me, I just want to help everyone else but I don't think I can do that if I die...I've been good, really good" I say almost as if I am begging and suddenly I hear a loud feminine laugh. I look up and it's a woman with pink hair. I fall on my butt and stare at her.

"What do you want little girl? Why did you call?" The woman asks.

"Umm who are you?" I say softly and weakly

"I am the great fairy and you have stepped into my fountain" She explains and I nod.

"Oh please great fairy please save the people of this town, they are innocent and there are children. It is currently under attack and I have been trying.." I feel some tears go down my face. "I'm not strong enough to protect them and I cannot live up  to their standards" I say weakly and wipe my face with my arm. When I remove my arm the great fairy is inches away from my face.

"You have a good soul..what is your name?" The great fairy asks

"(y/n) (y/ln)..I don't come from this world but I am apparently the goddess of time.." I say and hold my hands together and look at the floor.

"Ah! Chin up (y/n) I'll help you" She says and with that the rocks that I climbed over are broken.  "Now! Watch the great fairy work!" She says and out of nowhere millions of pink flying orbs fly out of the fountain and with a loud crash I see dead monsters everywhere. "Take this my child, let the fairies guide you" She says and a yellow orb goes into my chest and I feel light as a feather. I look back and she is gone. I run out of the fountain and bow.

"Thank you great fairy" I say softly and I hear a small laugh and I run out into battle or what is left of it. I meet up with Zelda, Link, Lyon, and Impa and they are all discussing what had just happened and who did it. Their eyes rest on me and I give a nervous laugh and ruffle my (y/hl) (y/hc) and get the dirt out of it.

"(y/n) did you?" Zelda starts

"Well sorta...I got some help from the great fairy" I say and Zelda grabs me

"You saw the great fairy! We have tried to talk to her but she has never responded!" Zelda yells and I gulp. 

"Well you are proving yourself to be a valuable asset to our mission" Impa says and I smile softly. I drop down and sigh.

"So is the battle over?" I ask with a sigh and Lyon nods and comes over and helps me up. 

"Ah! (y/n) why are you so light?" Lyon asks with a worried expression.

"I don't know the great fairy gave me this yellow orb and it went in my chest and now I feel really light and great" I say happily and Lyon picks me up and throws me in the air. I slowly float down and they all are in shock.

"Lyon, take (y/n) home, she needs some rest and we need time to think" Zelda says. With that Lyon calls his hoarse and we are heading to my house. I hand him his ring and smiles softly at me.

"Good you didn't lose it" He jokes and once we enter he heads somewhere else.

"Lyon?" I say and he hushes me. He buys something and I see it's food. It's some dried beef that is salty. I eat it down quickly and now I realize how hungry I am.

"I knew you were hungry" Lyon says while shoving a piece of beef into his mouth and I smile slightly.

"Thank you.."

"Ah no problem it's just food" He says and I shake my head

"Not just the food, your kindness toward me. Everyone else seems to hate me or only say nice things if I am of use to them...You however, were always nice to me" I say and find his eyes and he stares at me and then pats my head. He can still reach when I'm on his hoarse and I look at him and see his soft expression.

"(y/n) don't thank me for my kindness, but I want you to do me one thing" Lyon says and stares at me with a very serious expression. "Please don't hate my brother or the others" I am confused by why I should give them a chance.

"What? Why? All they have done to me is be rude" I say with slightly aggression in my voice.

"We've lost someone who looks a lot like you and you just happen to have her powers too. We were all close to her so it may take a while but believe me it's not your personality" Lyon says "Now let me take you home" With that Lyon gets on the hoarse with me and we ride back to mine.

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