Elliot Softwing

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Link's Pov

We all have made it back with the materials we just need (y/n). We left yesterday early in the morning and now it's the next day it's almost midnight. 

"Where could she be" Lyon says pacing back and forth. We all wait on our horses just outside of the kingdom. I then see two people running towards the kingdom. We all ready ourselves for battle. But once they near I recognize them.

"Skullkid...and the happy sales man?" I question

"LINK!" Kid screams out to me

"Skull kid why are you here?" Lyon asks

"I-It's (y/n)! NO! It's Clock Town! It is under attack...They burnt it down to the ground!" Skull kid explains

"WHAT!?" We all scream in unison

"What happened to the Goddess?!" Impa says pushing through

"We don't know, she told us to bring the mask to you guys and she'll stay behind and try to protect the people...I'm not sure how that went for her...She was running on 5 hours of sleep and no food" The happy sales man says grimly

"Oh no! (y/n)!" Lyon says and mounts his horse.

"We have to go find her!" Zelda declares. 

"Princess, no we must confront the king about this!" Impa buts in

"THIS CANNOT WAIT!" Lyon shouts

"Zelda stay behind and-" I start

"NO! I'm coming too! I'll destroy the person who hurt her" Zelda pipes up

"Princess..." Impa says "Well then I'm coming too, anyone who means that much to the princess means that much to me" Impa says with a soft smile and in seconds they're off.  Lyon calls one of his men over to send Kid and the sales man to the castle and we both take off after Zelda and Impa. 

(Y/N)'s Pov

After hours of riding I see a group of people riding towards me...They came for me.

"(Y/N)!" They all call out to me, I wave my arm to greet them and then in the darkness I get a slight chill. As I near the shadow under me grows bigger. Everyone's face turns to shock then anger. 

"RUN (Y/N)!" Lyon screams for me and when I turn around there is a giant bird picking me up and then a dark laugh. 

"Got you~" I sly voice say. I look up and see glowing red eyes peering down at me. I then start screaming from the height we are at.

"SOMEBODY HELP MEEEE!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Then I remembered. If I fall I'll float. I struggle to get away but the grips with the birds talons is too strong.

"HANG ON (Y/N)!" Zelda calls out for me and I put away my tears, I see my horse still running after me. It cries out and runs as fast as it can to catch up. 

"(Y/N)!!!" Lyon cries for me

"LYON! SAVE MEEE!" I cry back and just like that we are above the clouds. I hold the child close to me to keep it warm. Someone suddenly pulls me up onto the large black bird. I then see who is responsible for this  and it's...Link? No it's not my Link but it's a darker Link. "Who are you and why do you look like Link" I growl. He glares at me but I glare back slightly wavering.

"I am Link, we are the same person" He says and I scoff.

"Yeah right" I snuff and turn my face away from him.

"You don't believe me...You've got one big mouth you dumb bitch" Suddenly I am slapped across the face nearly falling backwards. He suddenly grabs me by the hair and drags me to the front of the bird. I suddenly feel something cold around my wrists and see he has handcuffed me.

"Wait! How am I supposed to take care of this child!" I say and he looks at the baby. He then grabs it and it starts crying. "You have to be gentle with it!" I shout and he glares at me and suddenly tosses the baby off the edge. I jump off after it. I quickly catch up to it and just when I try to float I can't...What?! 

"YOU DUMBASS!" The dark Link says and dives after me and grabs me and uses some sort of grappling device to bring us back up. Dark Link puts me down and then kicks me in the stomach. I protect the child as best as I can. "Give me the child..." He says and I shake my head and fight back the tears. "I'm not going to throw it you dumb bitch!....I've seen that you'll just end up killing yourself anyways..." 

"You're going to hurt it aren't you" I say through my sniffles from held back tears.

"NO! You're going to get beat...NOT the damn brat!" He says and I move the child and he takes it and puts it behind him. He then stomps on my face. I cry out in pain and he doesn't stop. Once he is done he tosses the child to me and I hold him close to me and crying quietly. Dark Link stares at me then turns his focus back to the sky. My tears sting my cuts and bruises. Soon a dark castle comes into view. We enter through the top on some sort of landing pad. I am given off to some guards dressed in black they reach for the child but I resist and struggle with all my might. "Stop!" Dark Link's voice booms. Everyone freezes. "Let her have the child..." He says and they nod and drag me to a cell and throw me in. They give me some nasty mushy food. It tastes horrible but I eat it regardless. I scarf down the bread that was given to me on the side and chug down the water. I stare at the child and see that it has a necklace on it. 

"Elliot...Softwing.. April 15th...so  9 months old" I read "you're name is Elliot huh" I say and he opens his eyes and smiles at me. I blush and hug the child. "Wait, you need food don't you" I say just realizing this. I sit him up and feed him the left overs of the mush I got. He eats it...Kinda. The bed is off the ground and is held up by some chains. The blanket is very thin but on the ground there is some straw which could keep us warm. I wrap Elliot in my cloak and lay on the small bed. I'm just too tired from what has happened today that I just want to sleep and it seems Elliot wants that as well. I close my eyes and try to think positively. Everyone will come for me...I know they will. 

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