End of Era

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I lay in my bed having a wet cold cloth being replaced on my forehead every few minutes. Link sits in the corner of the room looking downward. Lyon sits beside me holding my hand tightly and Clark is outside of the room. I see him standing by the doorway looking glum. Zelda and Impa are trying to figure out how to help me but it's not working. It all hurts and I cannot move much, I feel so drained. I slowly begin to close my eyes.

"No no no! (y/n) you must stay awake" Lyon says getting up and closer to me. Link rushes to my side and Clark even comes in.

"(y/n) please don't do this" Link says helplessly but I cannot help this. Tears run down my face. I try to speak but it comes off as a soft whimper. I cannot do this. Zelda and Impa rush in and they are shocked.

"Zelda!" Lyon says happily

"Zelda, please do something!" Link says pleading and holding my other hand tightly. I feel him shaking and Clark's face is just in sorrow that he can't even bare to look at me. It hurts so much to keep fighting this pain that is dragging me away. But it hurts even more to leave everyone else. Zelda bites her lip and looks down and clenches her fist. I feel more tears running down my face.

"There's nothing we can do" Impa says grimly

"What?!" Lyon says

"(y/n) no don't do this to me" Link says choking back his tears. "Not again, please not with you" He whimpers. I close my eyes again knowing that'll be the last time I can open them.

Link's Pov

"(y/n)?!" I shout and shake her body furiously and I feel that her hand has gone limp and the warmth from her body fades.

"(Y/N)! NO WAKE UP NOW! PLEASE" Lyon shouts and cries and I feel my whole body go numb. I don't know what to do. I don't know what I am going to do. Suddenly her hand begins to glow. I try my best to hold on to her but she bursts into glowing bright yellow particles that flout in the air and slowly fade. I grab onto one and the warmth is still there but it fades soon enough. No, this is not how I wanted it to be. You shouldn't have gone this way.

(Y/N)'s Pov

I wake up on my bedroom floor. I look around and it's my room. My actual room. Dad opens the door and peers in with a scared face.

"What's wrong kiddo? See a spider?" He laughs and I stare at him and his smiling expression. Tears for in my eyes.

"DAD!" I cry and run to him. I hug him tightly, he seems shocked by my actions.

"(y/n) what's wrong?" He asks and my mom comes upstairs.

"(y/n)?" She questions me and walks over. I pull her into a hug and my shoulders raise every time I gasp for air through my sobs.

"I'm so glad you're here" I cry and hug them both tightly afraid they'll disappear right in front of me.

"You have a bad dream?" My mom asks. I guess that is a way to put it, could it have just been a dream. It felt too real. I was there too long. How could a dream go into so much detail, last so long, and make me actually feel physical pain. I nod a yes and they both engulf me in a hug.

"We're not going anywhere, calm down (y/n)....We love you very much" Dad says. I can't hold back my tears anymore and it all spills out.

"I-I.." I hiccup and my mom wipes away my tears looking at me with loving but sad eyes. "I love you both so much" I whimper trying to get the words to them and they both just smile and look at each other. They both hold me for a little while and kiss the top of my forehead.

"Alright let's get ready for dinner, (y/n) wash your face you got some dirt from laying on the floor" My dad says happily as usual and takes my mother downstairs on his back. I smile softly and head to the bathroom and wash my face. I look at my hand and see a downward facing triangle and I am well aware now that it was no dream. Everything that happened in Hyrule was real. Link, Lyon, Zelda, Dark, the pain, the suffer, the joys and the tears; it was real. How would I go about getting back to them? What?! Am I crazy? I am back home, with my family...I think this but Elliot and Link keep slipping into my mind and it has begun to turn into a numbing processes that spreads throughout my body and continues to stem from my heart. Each pump of my heart spreads the pain of not being able to get back to them. If only I could find away to travel between worlds or whatever this is. Long distance has just been taken to the next level. I'll find them again....One day

A/N: This is the end of book one, the next book will be out soon enough. Sorry the chapter is so short.

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