Back in the Castle

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Clark and I have been train for god knows how long and I have finally been able to land a hit on him. I feel so much stronger and happy with myself. Break is finally over and I walk over to him.

"Master let's fight again, I know I can finally win this time" I say with courage

"Slow ya' roll, you may have strength but you don't read the person's attacks or know how to be one with yourself. I want you to sit and meditate and focus on your powers and the flow of time" Clark says harshly while lighting a cigarette. 

"Oh okay" I say slightly disappointed and Clark pets my head.

"You're doing great stay focused" He says sweetly and a smile makes it's way on to my face. Even though he's a perv and can be really mean and strict he's sweet and knows when to push me and when to give it a rest and make me happy.

~20 minutes pass~

I have been sitting and I feel so at peace like I finally have control of my life. I feel wind and the smell that I have gotten use to is now back and as fresh as ever. I flinch and feel something is off.

"The temple is finally coming back (y/n), it's time to go" Clark says and I nod and walk over to the door that is appearing. We walk out and I hear someone. It's Zelda. "Shorty whatever you do" Clark says grimly and I look at him with concern. "Do not, tell them you were here with me or anyone for that matter" I am very confused but I do as told and Clark runs off somewhere to hide. I walk out of temple and Zelda and Impa are here with horses looking baffled at the sight of the temple and even more shocked that I came out of it.

"(y/n)" Impa says happily with a smirk.

"You do not know how much trouble you are in!" Zelda puffs with anger and grabs my arm pulling me onto the horse.

"Your hair is much's only been a week" Impa says and I look at it and it has gotten longer.

"No time for small talk! (y/n) hold on or you're going to fly off this damn horse" Zelda snaps and I feel guilty and I wrap my arms around her waist. With that the horse speeds up and takes off. In minutes we are at the kingdom and I am brought right to the castle. Zelda drags me down hallways and brings me to a room and puts me in it. "You will stay here till we gather everyone, you have some serious explaining to do!" Zelda yells and she looks hurt. She locks the door and I sit in a bedroom. I look at the books on the shelves and sigh. I walk around in circles and finally spot the balcony. I open it and walk out taking in the outdoor air.

"(y/n)?" A voice says and I turn to my left and on the balcony beside mine is Link.

"Link...hey" I say

"Where have you been?" He says and it almost appears as if he was worried.

"I've been training in the forest" I explain and he stares at me like he's examining me. He then gets up on the railing of the balcony. "Link get down your gonna fall!" I say and before I know it he jumps at me and lands on top of me knocking me back.

"You've been gone for a week and you look so different" Link says and I roll my eyes.

"Can you get off me?" I say with annoyance written in my words that I speak.

"No, you tell what you've been doing. Where you've went, and why did you leave without telling anyone" Link states.

"Like I've said I've been training and I was in the forest in a temple for the Goddess of time. As for if I left with telling you I couldn't have gone this far in my training because one of you would be around and disrupting my training and you wouldn't even let me go, would you" I say and Link nods an approval. I hear the door unlock and Lyon walks in to see Link on top of me on the balcony. He marches over and throws Link into a wall and I swear I hear a crack.

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