Just a Talk for You and I

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I feel a pounding in my head, I try to ignore it but I cannot. I growl and roll over and finally open my eyes and see I am in a bed. In fact it is my room in the castle. I snuggle into the bed knowing that if I leave it I'm going to be attacked by the cold harsh air of winter, even though I'm in a castle this world doesn't have heating or air conditioners. My head is just horrible. There is a knock at the door and suddenly the door opens. I wince at the creak of the door opening; it's Link. He looks like he just got up out of bed, I look out the balcony which has the closed glass doors. It's dark outside.

"What years is it?" I ask with as I bury my face in my pillow which I cling to.

"Apparently it's been like 8 hours or something. Everyone went to bed a while ago after taking care of us" Link explains. I hear the creak of the wooden planks on the ground move as he draws closer. I feel pressure on the side on the bed behind me. The covers rises letting in cold air which sends shivers down my spine. Then they fall slowly regaining heat back to my paradise. He snuggles up close to me, I freeze for a second and think of what Lyon would think then realize something. I have no chance with him; as much as it may hurt I have to come to grips with it. I have to let go and let Zelda take the win.

"Why did you come in here?" I ask removing my face from the pillow feel quite saddened that mine and Lyon's love can never go farther than what it already is, gripping my pillow trying to shake the pain.

"I came to talk...What is so wrong wanting to see your friend?" Link questions

"Fair enough" I huff

"So" He starts

"So" I repeat. A moment of silence passes between us.

"I have Dark's memories...I don't necessarily know how I feel about you anymore" Link says setting the mood causing me to become quite uncomfortable. "It's his feelings and we are still becoming one person again. So our feelings are currently going against each other, so...I'm sorry if I do something you don't like" He says softly and I smile and find his hand under the covers I hold it firmly.

"You sure because somethings you did are quite questionable even before dark was in your body" I say with a devilish grin on my face

"Yeah I know...I'm still trying to figure something out with myself. I have questioned myself often" He admits. I turn towards him and he stares at the ceiling looking very thoughtful.

"What do you mean?" I question him breaking my humorous tone.

"Well, I like you...But I'm concerned that I could just be liking you because your the last and only thing that is left of Mira" Link explains at first making my heart speed up but soon only to die down and have something in me die. I feel hollow it hurts. It shouldn't hurt but I can't help it, it hurts more than letting go of Lyon. We stay silent. He moves to look at me but I do not meet his gaze. I turn my body away from him again and inch a bit away where the mattress is colder. "(y/n)...I don't know if you care or not since you and my brother are...something. Or if you even care about what I think of you anymore...I'm sorry for ruining our friendship by saying that" Link apologizes

"Just shut up!" I raise my voice slightly. I am not going to cry but it hurts the same. "Lyon and I cannot be together...Zelda has him forever and what she wants she gets. I cannot fight her or I cannot get home...I mean home home! Not this place, I just wanna see my mom and dad" I say holding back tears. Now this, this is a reason to cry. I haven't seen my parents in months. It hurts, I wonder how they are doing without me being there or is it like I was never there to begin with. Thoughts race through my head and I am suddenly pulled into a warm embrace.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" Is all Link can muster out of his mouth. I choke on my saliva as I try to breathe through all my sobs and tears streaming down my face. It all hurts. My head, my body from battle, my magic is depleted so I feel drained, now all this emotional pain. I cry and choke out my words to explain to Link what I am feeling. I push myself up on the edge of the bed and stare into the pale moon light. Link spins me around and hugs me tightly. "I promise you (y/n) I'll take you home...If it's the last thing I do" He says and his hug tightens. I sob and nod into his shoulder. For a few minutes Link just holds me whilst I sit in his lap as he rocks me side to side, brushing my hair and hushing me and muttering 'it's going to be okay' or 'I'm right here' every now and then. Once I stop crying he pats my head and clears my face of hair and tears. He takes my cheeks and brings my face closer to his and plants a kiss upon my forehead.

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