A warm fire and a warm heart

817 21 4

I sigh with relief as I hang out of the window in Lyon's room. I climb back up and see Link is staring out into the distance on his balcony.

"Hey! Weirdo" I yell and he jumps

"(y-y/n) what the hell are you doing?" Link stutters and I grin and pull myself up and take a leap of faith and jump to him. He catches me and I smile softly. He takes a strand of my (y/hc) hair and fiddles with it.

"Link?" I question. He just stares at me like I'm the only thing in this world that matters. I gulp and he finally snaps out of it and pulls away. A part of me wishes he didn't but alas.

"Sorry about that..." Link says grimly.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Nothing..." He says and starts walking back into his room. I follow him back in. "We have a few hours till that meeting, wanna grab something to eat?" Link asks and I know he's hiding something from me but I'll let this slide.

"Alright, you're paying though" I say slyly and he raises his hands and nods.

"Alright then" He says with a fake smile. I walk up beside him and he opens the door for me. " (y/n) I have something to discuss with you when we get there" Link says lowly and I nod a simple yes. We walk off through the castle into town. We stop at a small restaurant and everyone stares at Link. Girls drooling over him everywhere, I feel a little unworthy to be in his presence. "(y/n)?" Link questions and grabs my hand and pulls me to a table. I gulp.

"Yes?" I say

"Don't get too distracted okay" He says with a small smile.

"R-right" I stutter. The waitress comes around and she's blushing madly at Link, I feel somewhat sad. I look at my hands and fold them in my lap.

"W-What can I get for you sir" She says in a high cute voice that is ever so clearly forced. I look at her and see that her eyes are filled with love and hearts. I roll my eyes and look at Link who isn't even caring but puts on a smile.

"Lonlon milk with a pumpkin danish and bacon on the side" He says and the girl writes it down then her eyes come over to me and she glares daggers at me. I sit up straight and look elsewhere. I then realize everyone is watching us.

"What do you want?" She says coldly

"Um, I'll have what he's having" I say clearly and then look her right in the eyes with a strong look.

"O~kay" She says and writes down something and looks back at Link and puts on that voice again. I see Link's face and he's questioning her. "That'll be 40 rupees and for you mister hero of time it'll be free" She smiles.

"No. I'll be paying for her" Link says and stares her down

"U-uh..." She stops for a moment and looks at him and pouts then glares at me. I return the glare and she is taken aback. "Right, it's all free I guess then" She says and glares at me and walks back.

"Well then" I say coldly "She was a bitch" I state and Link sighs

"She was okay" He says

"Yeah for you" I glare at Link

"Anyways I wanted to talk about your relationship with my brother" Link says and I blush

"Wh-What do you mean" I stutter

"He probably has realized he likes you by now" Link says, with a blush still on my face I nod. "However" Link says and my heart stops "There will be no relationship if you can't rid of Zelda" Link says

"Are you suggesting I kill her?" I say quietly as the restaurant falls silent as everyone eavesdrops. Link notices everyone and the same waitress comes around.

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