Happy 22th Lyon!

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I go up the stairs and enter the castle, instantly music flows out and I can't help but smile and hum along to the tune. I swiftly make my way through the crowd of people, I try to fit in but something seems off about me that makes me not look like I belong. Everyone goes silent and the lights fade. They then focus on Lyon who is standing at the top of the stair case that leads to the long and twisty hallways. Zelda, Link, and Impa soon walk down the stairs and join him. Everyone claps and I cheer for them. Lyon is quickly pulled away by other woman. I sigh. There goes my only friend. I think to myself and without paying attention I see Link trying to talk to Zelda.

"Z-Zelda would you care to-" Link starts and looks like he's about to tap her shoulder.

"Lyon, don't forget about me" Zelda says with a small blush on her face and runs after Lyon. I glace at Link and his face drops. I feel bad for him. I go to the dessert table and grab a cupcake. I walk back over to Link and nudge him, he looks at me then his face goes to an un-amused face. I show him the cupcake and his face twists with confusion.

"It's um for you...You didn't look to happy and food is always good" I explain myself and his eyes soften slightly but his angry frown remains. He snatches the cupcake out of my hand and takes a bite of it.

"Thanks dork" Link says and I nod and smile brightly at him, he then stares at me with a sad look and walks away. "Mira..." He mutters and disappears into the crowd. I sigh and turn around and bump into Impa. She waves slightly looking as awkward as me. I waddle over to her and she smiles softly at me. 

"(y/n) why not go out and dance with a young man, you're quite a beautiful one you know" Impa says and I smile trying to forget about the blush that has spread across my face.

"Uhh, I don't know about that. I'm kind of a weirdo" I laugh nervously and as I say that as if the heavens spoke a male comes up to me.

"Care to dance M'lady" He says and he looks around my age. Before I can respond Impa pushes me forward into him. He catches me and takes my hands and leads me to the floor stepping backwards carefully. I follow his movements and he smiles at me, I give a nervous smile back. The music picks up it's pace and everyone is dancing more happily and some are even tossing their partners in the air. 

"Mind if I cut in?" A familiar voice says and I look behind me and it's Lyon. The man nods and finds some other girl. Lyon takes my hand and waist, he nods and the music switches to a soft melody. I look down at my feet but my chin is raised by Lyon. He smiles softly at me and I see his rosy pink cheeks. "There, much better" He says with his voice as light as a feather. Lyon spins me and twirls me around. I don't have to do much since he's taking the lead. Lyon dips me and I lean back and see Link still trying to talk to Zelda and his efforts go in vain. Lyon helps me back up and the music stops. I look and see Link heading up stairs. 

"I have to go to the washroom, pardon me" I say softly Lyon nods and is swept away by some other females who are dying to have a moment with him. I puff my cheeks slightly and then follow Link, he sits down in a dark hallway and holds his head. I stare at him for a while then walk towards him in the dead silence. 

"What do you want?" He grumbles and I come to a halt, I do not know why I came here in all honestly. I could be there dancing the night away with Lyon.

"Because" I start and then walk towards him "Because you looked upset" I state and he glares at me.

"I am only upset because you are here" Link snaps and I clench my fists trying to not punch him in the face. "A ugly and ungraceful person like you shouldn't be a goddess! You can try but you'll never replace Mira!" Link says and his words bite deep.  I raise my hand and slap him across the face.

"Shut up you spoiled brat and listen to me now! I am not trying to replace this Mira of yours and I don't want to be a goddess, I just want to go home so shut you god damn mouth. Don't talk about things you have no idea about" I snap and spin around while he stands there shocked. "Oh and if I am so ugly, then why did you think I was Mira? Hmm, so if I am ugly so is Mira" I state and I hear him get up.

"Shut up!" Link yells "You know nothing! You have no idea what I have been through!" Link says and stomps over to me. 

"Link" A deep voice says. I turn around and see Lyon standing there with a cold expression. Lyon's voice changed so much, it's usually so happy and peaceful. "(y/n), come here" Lyon says and extends his hand towards me. I walk over and take it. With a quick movement he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Lyon, she-" Link starts

"No, she didn't" Lyon says before Link can even continue "I saw everything so don't try to put the blame on miss (y/ln), you are acting like a child. It is time to move on and I see you're trying. (y/n) came up here to comfort you but you acting like an idiot and didn't take it when you clearly need it" Lyon says and there is a long and uncomfortable silence. Link then looks down at his feet. "Link we'll be talking about this later, right now I am turning 22 and really don't want to deal with this" Lyon says and turns around and pushes me along. I glance back at Link and tears are running down his face. Once we get back to the party Lyon turns to me in a sad expression. "I'm terribly sorry (y/n) he just isn't like he was before" Lyon says and lets me go.

"N-No it's alright, it wasn't your fault he acted out" I say and wave my hands around. Lyon smiles as I attempt to cheer him up slightly.

"(y/n) you weirdo" Lyon says with a soft smile and pats my head.

"Lyon! Come blow out your candles!" Someone cheers and people make a path towards  a extremely large cake. Lyon takes my hand and Zelda comes up beside him and walks over with him. Impa smiles and stands beside the cake and in the corner of my eye Link watches from above on the staircase. Lyon lets go of my hand and blows out all the candles that are scattered around the cake and I clap along with everyone. 

Throughout the rest of the night I am swept away by various males and danced away the night probably looking incredibly dumb. However, the food made up for my stupid dancing. At the end of the night I was absolutely exhausted and instantly fell asleep when I got home. 

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