A Return of an Old Friend

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I sit in my room in the castle. I told Walter I'd be here for a while since Elliot is safer and more taken care of in the castle. I sip some coffee and lean back in my chair and look over and see Elliot steadily walking. I smile as he nears me and reaches his small hands towards me. His hair has begun to grow longer and he has a soft white hair color. I smile and poke his rosy cheeks. He laughs and reaches for me to pick him up.

"Maaamaa!" He says gleefully. I snuggle him and there is a knock at the door. It then opens and I see Link. He smiles and enters the room with flowers for me. I smile brightly and take them and smell them.

"Thanks Link" I say happily and put them aside. He just ruffles my hair and looks at Elliot. He makes some funny faces and Elliot bursts out in a fit of laughter and reaches to Link. They play with each other on ground. I sigh feeling a bit lightheaded. I touch my head and rub away the pain. The nanny enters the room to take Elliot our so he can socialize with other children his age. I smile and wave to him as he leaves.

"So" Link starts

"So?" I repeat returning to holding my head.

"Lyon hasn't been seen for a while. All he does is lay around apparently" Link speaks up and I rub my arm nervously.

"Oh yeah...I should probably talk to him" I say softly and Link just shakes his head.

"That won't do him any good, he'll probably just break down crying and want you back" Link says with a soft sigh and flops back on the floor. I give an uneasy look and Link speaks up again. "You miss him...Don't you" he says sounding almost hurt. I nod hanging my head low. Link makes a tsk sound and shoots up. "I'll make you forget about him" Link grumbles and draws closer to me. He places his right hand on the chair behind me and his other on my thigh making me jump. He forces me to stare into his eyes but I look away after a few seconds. "Don't look away (y/n)" Link demands.

"It's weird~" I whine. He grasps my face and draws closer. I swallow hard and then there's a knock at the door. Link pauses and opens the door. Standing there is Zelda. She looks quite upset and angry. She enter my room and walks towards me.

"What did you do to Lyon?!" Zelda shouts in my face.

"I didn't do anything" I state calmly and Link grabs Zelda's shoulder and squeezes it and brings her outside of my room. I sigh and put on some warm winter clothing and head out. I go down the stairs and out into the town. Saying hi to Walter and having a bit of tea time. I then wander around town looking at everything. People greet me with warm smiles and I feel very welcome but somehow my headache seems to get worse and worse. I walk aimlessly and it seems my legs are dragging towards somewhere. I cannot control where I am being led. I could stop but I want to know what's drawing me in. I climb up a hill that looks too familiar. I then see Mira's grave and remember coming up here once. I sit down in the cold snow being unable to stand anymore. It hurts! My head! I grip my head tightly and breathe heavily. My vision blurs and I suddenly someone standing in front of me. I look up and see myself. I stare at the chest and see that it's clearly not me.

"M-Mira?" I stutter. She sighs and walks away from me.

"Yes it is me" She says coldly. "I never thought my reincarnation would be so pathetic" Her words cut deep and I don't seem to fight her, But I remember who I am.

"I am not pathetic!" I shout at her which she is taken aback by. She grabs my hair and pulls me backwards. I claw at her hands but I have no strength and my mind is drawing blanks. Suddenly there's a blast of white and pain goes all over my body. My clothes are burned and I'm bleeding and cut everywhere. She beats me down kicking me anywhere that is not being protected. Mira takes my sword away from me and positions it above my heart.

"Die" She says lowly and goes to impale me. Pain does not come and I see a shaking blade then a cloaked figure. I look closer and it's Clark. I smile softly.

"Get your fucking hands off of her" Clark growls and kicks her in her stomach and I see the ripple of pain surging through her then the whip of the wind as she is sent flying back into the Willow tree. Clark picks me up bridal style and I sling my hands over his shoulders.

"I'm so happy you're here" I say on the brink of crying. Clark rubs my back and then I look over at Mira and she disappears into thin air. Clark carries me back to the castle and everyone was looking for me but when they see all my cuts and now formed bruises they stop Clark.

"What happened to (y/n)?!" Link shouts and Clark puts me down but after a step I fall to my knees. Impa is suddenly at my side along with Clark.

"I think this is best to be discussed behind closed doors" Clark pipes up and they nod and we are all called to a meeting with the King. I sit very close to Clark resting my head on his shoulder and he pets my head. My head doesn't hurt as much but I feel drained of everything.

"What is this you wanted...Who are you!?" The King shouts making my head pound even more. I wince and cling to Clark's shirt.

"Surprise surprise you don't remember the old commander of the holy knights" Clark speaks up. They all are in shock and he removes his cloak revealing his face.

"Clark" Impa says in shock

"Yo" Clark speaks up taking out a flask and taking a swig from it before returning it to his pocket.

"You were banned from this kingdom long ago why are you back?!" The king shouts. I raise my hand in defense.

"Please don't yell at him, he's just here to watch over me so I don't get hurt...He has good intentions, I swear...I know he does" I say weakly and even my voice sounds faded. Zelda walks over and starts healing me.

"What?!" Zelda jumps back

"What's wrong Zelda?" Lyon asks

"I can't heal (y/n) the spell won't work. The only one I knew who could stop me from healing someone was-" Zelda continues

"Mira!" Link shouts

"Yes well this leads me to tell you what happened to (y/n)" Clark says leaning back in his chair. Everyone is silent and he begins. "(y/n) was basically walking through town but I noticed she seemed to be wobbling. I assumed she was sick and wasn't taking care of herself. Like per usual" Clark says and I chuckle and so does he but no one else does. "Anyways she went up to Mira's grave which I found strange but when she got up there she suddenly collapsed to the ground, as I begun to walk over suddenly Mira appeared out of thin air" Clark says and everyone is completely wide-eyed.

"We have to go find her!" Link says shooting up but Lyon grabs him

"Wait till this story is over" Lyon says

"Well the old goddess has turned foil, she started beating on (y/n) and I'll tell you this...It was ruthless. I know it was Mira because it was her signature move that she used; Holy light. It torn (y/n) up and after that she wasn't done. She was kicking her whilst she was down and then..." Clark stops and grips the handle of the chair.

"She took my sword and attempted to kill me" I finish for Clark and everyone is baffled. "B-But he saved me" I say trying to lighten the mood. No one says a thing. "Everyone please don't be sad, I'm sure this is all just a big confusion!" I say waving my hands getting up but stumbling and falling to the ground. My body aches so much and Lyon rushes to my side. I'm soon losing strength to even get back up.

"(y/n) are you sick?" Lyon asks and I couldn't answer him.

"No she's not sick...She's disappearing" Clark speaks up

"What?!" Everyone says in unison. I don't know what to say. I'm terrified as well but confused more than ever.

To be continued

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