Help Him

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  I am awoken to a loud clang, I bolt up and check my side and see that Elliot is still there but he ain't looking too good. I feel his forehead and he has a fever.

"Hey you, breakfast" I look over to see who said that and it's dark Link. As he turns away I quickly grab his tunic.

"Wait!" I shout and pull him back towards me.

"Don't TOUCH ME!" He shouts and slaps my hand. I don't let go though.

"Please....Help him" I beg

"What?" Dark Link questions me. 

"The baby, he is sick..He needs medicine and he can't stay in this cold cell" I explain almost crying. 

"This is your fault, you should have just let him die. He wouldn't have to suffer then" He spits. My head quivers and tears start flowing from my eyes.

"Please...I'll do anything...Just let me save this one person!" I cry out to him. My grip loosens and he quickly pulls away. He then grabs my shirt and pulls me towards him. I don't fight it, I just stare at him with pleading eyes. 

"Don't look at me like that with those eyes..." He growls and then moves his hands to my throat. He starts choking me. I punch and try to pull away but he is so much stronger than I am. The corners of my vision start going black and he finally drops me. "You're pathetic, begging to the enemy..Disgusting" Dark link says and spits on me. I wipe it off and take the food that is still slightly warm and fed Elliot. I try to keep him as warm as I can but I am freezing as well. I take the thin blanket from the bed and bury Elliot and I in it for warmth. I then smell something terrible and remember babies are humans too. I get up and remove the cloth around him and toss the smaller cloth that was tied around his waist out the window. I try to clean him up as best I can and then wrap him back in his cloth. As time passes we both fall back asleep, I'm too tired to do anything right now. 


I awake to silence. I see the sun is setting from the small little barred window I get. I see Elliot isn't with me anymore. I begin to panic and scream. It takes 10 minutes of screaming for someone to come and bring Dark Link here. 

"Why the hell are you screaming" Dark Link growls as he walks in.

"Where's the baby?!" I shout.

"He's fine" Dark Link growls

"What?" I mutter. Dark Link looks back and glares at the guards in the room he shoos them out and then sits on the ground to level with me.

"He's fine...A cell isn't a good place for a baby who is sick...He'll die in here"

"Who is taking care of him?" I ask quietly

"I am, he's in my chamber, he'll be alright so stop worrying...Until I get you moved to a better cell or chamber he'll be with me" He explains. I smile and start crying "H-Hey! What the hell is wrong with you why are you crying!?" He shouts and then comes closer to the cell. I reach out to him and grab his hands and hold them in mine.

"Thank you so much" I say and smile brightly at him. He quickly rips away his hands from me. His eyes narrow and he looks as if he's trying to think.

"I don't get you..." He mutters and leaves but before he gets to the door he reaches in his pocket and pulls out an apple and tosses it towards me. I catch it and before I can say thank you he's gone. sitting there in utter confusion I push all my thoughts aside and eat it quickly and toss it out the window. I go on my tiptoes and stare out the window. It's too small for my body to fit through even if I got the chance to break the bars. However, I cannot do much with these weird handcuffs. They give me lots of space to move my hands but they feel weird like they're restricting me from doing something. Thinking of ways to get out of here but I can't do anything till I can get out of this cell. Staring at my handcuffs I ponder, how can I break these. It then hits me on why I didn't float down, when he put these on me my magic power stopped. They prevent magic attacks or any of the sort. I smash my hands off the walls a few times trying to break them however, they won't even dent.

"Dammit" I growl. Accepting my fate for now I lean back against the wall and leave myself to my thoughts.

Dark Link's Pov

That girl, she is something else. Why though, she's not at all like Mira, thought she was a reincarnation shouldn't they be the same. I hold the small child in my arms rocking slowly back and forth in the chair in my chambers. He smiles at me so innocently.

"Oh if you only knew what I was, you wouldn't be smiling" I say and reach out a finger to him, the child takes it and laughs at me. My heart warms and I quickly snap back to reality. I scowl and put the child back in the crib that I had brought up, I watch him fall back to sleep making sure everything is fine with him. Walking away back to see the lord. I enter the throne room and bow before him who is shrouded in darkness and a cloak as dark as midnight. Never has anyone seen his face, he refuses it and if someone does; they'll be executed.

"Dark.." He speaks up. I do not lift my head or even get up, I continue to bow before him. "Update on the girl" He says in his usual low dark tone. Raising my body to face him with my normal relaxed stance. 

"She's well, the child she brought is with me as well. They both are doing fine although, I'm sure her little group will come for her eventually" I explain. He nods and raises his hand for me to stop talking.

"Has she been behaving?" My lord asks curiously tilting his head every-so-slightly.
"Yes, she's been surprisingly obedient" I say putting in a good word for her. Why though...
"Hmm, move her to a better chamber then. Tell her if she is obeys us she will be rewarded heavily" 

"There are no chambers available-" I speak up

"Then put her in yours..I'm sure she can be...of service in some way" My lord smirks slightly and I feel the darkness emitting from him. I nod forcing a smile back. 

"I shall do just that" I say and bow and take my leave.

"If she's good to us, I might have her be a servant and maybe you Dark, could have a wife" The lord says as I take my leave. Have the goddess as my woman...Hmph, right she is scared of me. There's no way in hell she'd be mine... I enter her cell and realize it is noon. I look and see she's eating slop. She frowns and then when she lays eyes on me; she smiles. My heart jumps and I am taken aback. 

"Dark! What are you doing here?" She asks and I sigh and grab her wrist and pull her up the stairs into my chamber. I toss her onto the bed and a skeleton guard leaves with a bottle and dirty diaper. I lock the door behind me and stare at her. I see the child is asleep again. "There he is, I see he's doing okay..Thank you Dark" She says happily and then stretches her arms and lays in my bed. Narrowing my eyes I stride over to her and swiftly get on top of her pinning her down under me. She looks shocked at first, I smirk and lower my body onto hers. I bite her neck softly and she jumps and bit. When I pull away too look at her all I see are these soft and remorseful eyes. 

"Why..Why do you look at me like that" I mutter. I then feel something warm on my cheek, focusing back on what's going on I see she has placed her hand on my left cheek. I feel myself shaking, not knowing what to do. What is this girl. Why am I shaking?!

"Dark" She says snapping me out of my thoughts. "It's okay" She says sincerely. My body doesn't listen to me and I find myself pulling her into a warm embrace. For a moment she doesn't dare touch me but she then wraps her arms around me and rubs my back making me feel better. I feel tears leaking from my eyes but I've stopped caring.

"I don't understand..." I say trying not to sound like I am crying.

"I'm sure you don't but I'll make you understand. You've never really had this kind of reactions from people...Am I correct?" She says and I realize, she is right. I nod into her shoulder. "It's not you're fault you don't understand, it's not that you don't know how to interact with people, people just don't know how to interact with you. People are simpleminded. We focus on appearance more than personality...You were never given a chance were you" She hits my problems dead on.

"Not only that...: I say speaking up. "I was split from the Link you know...He attempted to rid of all his sadness and hatred and it created me, he couldn't handle Mira's death..." I explain to her. I've never really told anyone that before. 

"Well it didn't work, he still gets angry and upset. Along with you, if he still feels those emotions then you must be able to feel pleasant feelings" The goddess says and places her hands on my cheeks and pulls me away to look at her calm and reassuring face. I nod and she lets me hug her again. I begin to fall asleep and soon everything fades black.

Thank you my goddess...

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