Little Voices

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"Wake up shorty!" I jolt up and open my eyes. My heart is going a mile a minute and I see Clark standing at my bedside. His voice was so loud I could have mistaken it for thunder. "Get up more training, you have 2 minutes to get ready" He says sternly and doesn't move. I stare at him waiting for him to leave so I can get dressed.
"What are you waiting for get dressed" He says impatiently.

"YOU PERVERT!" I scream and throw a pillow at him and go to grab more, he is pelted with pillows as he leaves my room. I quickly get dressed and hurry downstairs. 

"Late by 40 seconds, you'll run for 4 minutes" He says with a matter-of-fact tone.

"What! You wouldn't get out to let me change!" I snap back

"5 minutes" He says and lights a cigarette and blows the smoke in my face. This fucker. I grit my teeth and keep my thoughts to myself.
"Alright" He pauses and cracks his neck and taps his cigarette.
"Follow me shorty" As we step outside I realize it is still dark out. In the kingdom you can see where you are going however out here, you can barely see 5 feet in front of you. The sounds of the wild life make me uneasy and nervous. I take a glance at Clark and he seems unfazed by any of this. A goblin comes out of the shadows. I raise my leg but Clark just grabs the monster by the throat and throws it to the ground. He brings his heavy foot down and blood flies onto my boots. I dare look at it and it's head is bashed in. I shiver and continue to follow him closely.

"Cl-" I start

"Master to you or I won't teach" He interrupts 

"Right..Uh Master, where exactly are we going?" I ask

"We're here, take a look for yourself" Clark says and moves aside. However I cannot see anything. Then I see fireflies gather. Clark pulls out a wood cane. He taps the ground a couple times and I feel energy surging through the ground. A mint green tinted light comes from the ground and orbs float through air. I hear wind chimes and the orbs and lines of light green form a structure. It looks almost as if it was a hologram.
"Go" Clark says and I walk over and enter the building. Inside it is still transparent. The feeling inside here is light and peaceful. Little orbs fly past me, I look over and see fairies they zoom around then wait at a newly formed door. The walls of the building become solid and I can no longer see through them. 

"Fo"the fairies whisper. "Low" a even quieter whisper.

"Follow?" I mutter and do as told. The tap of my boots on the new marble floor fills the room. I push the door open and am greeted with a large blast of wind. The wind has a fresh scent like it was laundry day. The air is filled with moisture like a hot spring. I close my eyes and inhale. The door behind me closes and I look back and see Clark. He has a smile.

"I have some explaining, sit" I look around and a white chair appears to my right. I take it and sit.
"This place only appears when the goddess is near. It was her old temple where she'd purify things and watch over people. However...we're going to use it differently" Clark stops and the door behind him fades to nothing.
"So we're going to be stuck in here for a a while I mean a few months"

"What!?" I exclaim and Clark raises a hand.

"In here a few months is a day...It's a good place to train you and the building won't appear for a while so we have time. If you'd like to leave here you could try however, you'll be lost in time" Clark says it so calmly. It sends shivers down my spine.

"What about food and water?" I say quickly

"You don't get hungry here or is were you feel nothing" Clark's voice slowly fades, I feel somewhat disconnected from the real world..or the world I am currently in.
"Anyways..let us begin!" Clark shouts and startles me a bit. He closes his eyes and two swords form. He picks up one and holds it. I guess I take the other. I walk over but in a blink of an eye Clark swings the sword at me. 

"KYA!" I quickly duck and stumble backwards. I grab the dagger on my belt and block his attack. Clark is much more stronger then I am and I fall back onto the ground.

"That all you got?!" Clark shouts and I feel the adrenaline flowing through my body. I jump to my feet and try to stab Clark. "Good! Fight back!" I keep swinging but he keeps blocking.
"Shorty if you wanna get stronger you're gonna have to do more then that!" Clark says and our blades clash sending a spark into the air. I see his leg rise and thrust itself toward me. I cannot react fast enough and quickly feel all the air in me get knocked out. I fly backwards and hit the ground. I try to breath but it doesn't work. Ah so this is what it must be like getting the wind knocked out of you...or am I dying...either one is not good. I groan and lay on the ground motionless.
"You're fine, it'll go away in a few more seconds I believe" Clark says and he's right I gasp for air and then breath out. 

"I'm okay" I breathe. I raise my hand to my chest and fill my lungs with air again and relax.

"Yeah no shit now get up" Clark says abruptly. I blink a few times and see if he's for real. This guy just sent me flying to the ground and made me stop breathing now he wants me to run. "SHORTY!" Clark screams in my face. I guess I wasn't paying attention

"Y-Yes Master" I stutter and look up at him. He looks pissed but he calms down and lets out a sigh and pulls a cigarette out of nowhere and it becomes lit once it touches his lips.
"You shouldn't smoke it'll make you sick and die" I state and he glares at me.

"Stop talking, run around that track for 10 minutes" He says lowly and puffs out a cloud of smoke polluting the beautiful smell of the room.

"What tra-" Before I can even finish there is a track and walk over to it and wonder. If he can think up random things so can I. I imagine ice cream and it appears I reach out to it but it disappears.

"Run Shorty before I give you a reason to run" Clark says while sitting at a bar he thought up. I growl lowly and begin running. After 8 minutes I feel like my legs are going to fall off. I can't bring myself to run anymore. I push forward and once it hits 10 I drop down.
"Nicely done Shorty" Clark says and walks up beside me. A table appears with food on it, I get up and water appears. I greedily snatch it and drink every drop out of the cup. I put the cup down and let out a puff of air. I look at the food and see what looks like mashed potatoes, beef, pork, and some other foods I have never seen before. I quickly put them on my plate and dig in. I eat very quickly so I can stuff more in my stomach.
"Pig" Clark says while chewing on a drumstick. I feel the blood rush to my face in pure anger.

"Why don't you look at yourself, you have more on your plate then I do" I snap back. Clark glares at me and then throws a tomato at me. I think up a pie and whip it at his face. He moves but the left side of his face is covered in pie.

"Oh..So this is how it's going to be" Clark says in a monotone voice. It sends chills down my spine but I cannot stop myself from laughing a little. "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT SHORTY!" Clark screams and gets up and runs towards me with two pies in hand. Giggling I sprint off away from him. 

Hmm Clark isn't that bad after all.

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