Goodbye Love

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A/N: As I said previously a bit smutty down below so please beware, it stops soon enough so now worries kids ;)

Lyon drops me on his bed and hovers over me. My heart beats a mile a minute and I can't think. He stares at me making me squirm under him.

"Lyon?" I question him trying to hide the blush that is spread across my face.

"(y/n)...." He speaks up

"Um...Yeah?" I say awkwardly

"Allow me to do least once" He says lowly. He lowers him self down on me, I gulp and suddenly his soft lips touch mine. They are sweet and just so addicting. I melt into the kiss; I wrap my arms around his neck and draw him closer into my body. I feel him jolt in surprise. I smirk into the kiss and run my tongue along his bottom lip. I roll him over and mount him. The look on his face is amazing he is completely baffled. I giggle at his expression and sit up straight giving him a devilish look. My inner pervert is slipping out, I use to read fanfics all the time back at home and now it's coming to life. "W-Well this is a surprise" Lyon says trying to hide his blushing face with his hand. He doesn't look at me but he steals a few side glances.

"Do you not like it?" I say nervously ready to get off him. He shakes his head.

"Co-Continue please" He stutters, I smile seeing that I'm the most dominate here. I lean down and kiss his neck softly and then start doing it a little more roughly and start sucking it. He shivers when I nibble at his soft flesh. I smirk and back up, I then see him get up as well. He turns me around on his lap and I hear some rustling from behind me. I then feel him start pulling up my tunic. His warm body presses against mine, I glance back at him and see he is shirtless and is blushing like mad, he is clearly very nervous. I touch his hands and help him pull the fabric off of me. I get a shiver once the cold winter air touches me. I stare at my white lacy bra. Lyon begins to kiss my neck and moves me so I am laying down he gets back on top. "I must have some courage and take charge like I am supposed to in this situation" Lyon says and starts for my left breast. He pauses and looks up at me and I gulp. He kisses it softly, his eyes widen at the touch he takes his hand and pokes it. Then grabs both and starts feeling them. I try to not make a sound and it works, he then places his face in between my breasts.

"L-Lyon!" I gasp at his actions. He is so timid and sweet. The strangeness of these actions are getting more surprising by the second.

"They're so soft...I can't get enough, I must have more" Lyon says in lust, he pulls my tights down revealing my panties but he pulled them down a bit with my tights. I cover myself and he moves my bra showing him my whole chest now. I squeal and cover myself by yanking the covers on me. "S-Sorry I might have got ahead of myself there..." Lyon says with such guilt and regret in his voice.

"Please take it a bit slower.." I say shyly. He nods and enters the covers with me. I turn to face him and he slowly removes my hands from my chest.

"I'm not going to judge you (y/n), you're beautiful no matter what" Lyon says and plants a kiss on my nose and gives me a sweet smile. I smile nervously back. He takes his hand and starts groping me. He then slowly starts kissing down to my breasts.

"Sir Lyon!" Someone says and knocks on the door. Lyon jolts up and growls. I giggle.

"Yesss?!" Lyon shouts.

"You have been called to duty the enemy forces are outside the kingdom" The guard says and I exchange looks with Lyon. We rush to put our clothes back on. Lyon gives me a swift spank on the ass and gives me a smirk. We rush out and I hold my black sword close to me. I see Link coming down the hallway. We all are ready to fight whatever is coming. I feel so confident right now walking with my group; finally I've been accepted into the royal group. Zelda and Impa are waiting outside of the castle.

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