Lyon's birthday

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We reach the bakery and I see Walter waddling along with his arm in a cast. I hop off the horse and run towards him. He stares at me and smiles softly, he has a few bruises here and there but other than that he seems fine.

"Gramps! What happened to you?" I ask and he just chuckles softly.

"Got into a little tussle with those monsters but I'm fine do not worry about me" He says in his usual happy tone. A frown spreads across my face and he goes back into the bakery and I can smell the sweet bread baking. I still am slightly hungry and could go for some tea.

"(y/n) I'll be heading out to see how many we've lost, you be safe okay" Lyon says and like always he pats my head and I touch my head and watch him ride off. I enter the bakery and Gramps throws me a warm bun, I sink my teeth in it and it's sorta sweet. I munch on the piece of bread for a while and look and my cuts and bruises.

"Ah I should really learn how to fight better" I state with a small sigh and the old man stares at me for a few seconds. "What?" I ask with the remaining piece of bread in my mouth.

"(y/n) do you really want to become stronger?" Gramps asks and I stare at him.

"Uh yeah, I don't always want to get hurt during battle and I need to be able to protect myself" I say and swallow my food and wipe away any crumbs that were on my mouth.

"I know a place and a person who can train you in magic and swordsmanship, he and I were once very close and I'm sure he'd love to have you as a student" Walter says and opens shop.

"Where is this dude?" I ask and he looks back at me with an uncertain look.

"I believe he is in the forest beside a waterfall last I remember but who knows, he always was a free spirit" Walter explains and I don't find that much help.

"The forest is too dangerous and you need help here" I say and Walter shakes his head.

"I am perfectly fine here (y/n) don't worry about me, just go and the forest isn't so bad. You'll find him trust me" Walter says softly with a reassuring tone. I take a few seconds to think and then get up.

"Alright..I'll go" I say and clench my fist and smile to help myself along. "I got this" 

"Good, now rest up and I'll prepare some stuff for your journey" Walter says and I nod and head into my house. I sit in bed till I fall back asleep. When I wake up there is bandages beside me and I patch myself up as best as I can. I go to the door and see a letter saying that all I need to do is go straight then once I see a clearing go right. I look outside and see it's already dark. Was I really that tired? I think to myself and shake my head. I hear a knock on my door and I open it cautiously and it's Lyon.

"Ah! (y/n) good I thought the old man was pulling my leg that you might be gone" Lyon says happily like always and I gulp.

"N-No I'd never leave, anyways why did you come here?" I ask and he digs through his oddly deep pocket and hands me an envelope. I opened it and read that tomorrow is Lyon's 22'd birthday.

"Y-Yeah I am old but anyways can you come to the castle tomorrow for the party, a lot of people are going to be there. There will be dancing, music, drinks, amazing food might I add" Lyon goes on and I smile slightly but remember that I have literally nothing good to wear.

"Lyon thank you for coming and giving this to me but I have nothing good to wear and I'm sure there is going to be very important fancy people there and I'm just-" I start but get interrupted

"You are the Goddess of Time, (y/n) (y/ln) how are you not important. As for the dress and shoes, I'll cover that" Lyon says and leans up against my door.

"Lyon it's your birthday" I say and shift my weight onto my other leg and cross my arms over my chest.

"It's not my birthday yet, c'mon!" With that Lyon grabs me and is pulling me out into town. 

"Lyon are you sure the stores aren't closed?" I state and he shakes his head.

"Not yet but let's hurry it's only 7" He says and we run into a dress shop and I see a beautiful black and golden dress (picture above). "Okay pick it out and here's the rupees, I want it to be a surprise when I see you" Lyon explains and drops and orange and purple rupee in my hand and I grab the dress and hand it to the woman in the front. I hand here the rupees and she gives me a red rupee back. I walk outside and Lyon has a bag and he's swinging it around whistling.

"Lyon? What's in the bag?" I ask while handing him the red gem. 

"Here, it's the shoes I bought you" He says softly and my heart skips a beat.

"Lyon don't do all this I feel so spoiled" I say and he just smirks and plants a kiss on the top of my head.

"Now little goddess don't worry being in Zelda's crew really helps with money" Lyon says and I blush several shades of red.

"I-I-I" I stutter and can't manage to get out the words. Lyon laughs a laugh I have never heard before. It sounds genuine and like he's actually being himself instead of the happy person he always seems to be.

"Let's take you home, that party starts at 6 in the afternoon tomorrow. I'll be waiting to see you" Lyon says and drapes his arm over my shoulder walking me back. "That reminds me (y/n) how old are you? you look about Link's age" Lyon asks while handing me my heels.

"I'm 17" I state and he nods and smiles. "Why do you ask" I say a little curious.

"Well I can't be seen with a 15 year old girl, that'd be weird wouldn't it? At least your close to my age" Lyon says and I look at him with an unsure look "The carriage will arrive around 5:40 tomorrow okay so be ready" Lyon informs me and I nod. We get back to my house and Lyon waves to me and I wave back and rest on my bed. I force myself to sleep.


"AHHH! It's already 5" I panic and finish the finishing touches to my hair. I let it down with a little black flower. I slip on my heels and practice walking around in them for a few minutes. I then go outside and wait for the carriage. It finally pulls up and I hop in. I look out the carriage window and stare at the people around who are celebrating Lyon's birthday in town. So he's a pretty big deal too. I think to myself and as we near the castle we stop for a bit then continue. I realize we just pasted the gates, soon the carriage comes to a stop. The door opens and I take the mans hand and get out. Let's hope I don't make a fool of myself

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