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"No more" I huff and stagger to keep my balance. Clark stares at me and places the sword over his shoulder.

"You're getting stronger that is true but you still can't land a hit on me" Clark says with disappointment.

"It's been 4 months" I snap and stomp my foot. Clark stares at me then smirk appears on his face. 

"So what...You're still weak, naive, you complain so much as well, don't listen the first time and make me repeat myself, not only that" Clark stops himself from scolding and walks over to me. 
"You're breasts aren't that nice either" Clark says and puts his face closer to my chest.

"YOU PERVERT!" I screech and slap him across the face and swing my dagger at him. He leans back and goes to kick me but I grab his leg and pull him towards me and punch him in the face.

"That's good...c'mon that all you got? I should stop expecting you to be able to anything simple now" Clark scoffs and shakes his head. I growl and charge at him swing the dagger rapidly till I see an opening and go to stab him in the side. I barely dodges is and grabs my arm. I yank my arm down where his thumb is (due to it being the easiest place to break free from someone's grasp) and quickly spin around and kick him in the jaw.

Link's Pov

Zelda's father (the king) has held a conference today and I don't really know what it's about but it has to be something big since we haven't had one in ages and haven't been attack in a while. I walk down the hall and go up two staircases and reach the top of the castle. I knock on the door and enter. As usual there is a circular table at the top of the circle is the king. I bow deeply to him and take my seat. To the right of the king is Zelda, then me, then an empty seat which has never been here before, and then another one which belongs to Lyon, then last but not least Impa. I look at Impa and she is as serious as ever. Lyon walks in with a large frown upon his face. I watch his movements and then lean over to him.

"Lyon" I mutter "What's wrong with you?" I ask but he just shakes his head. The king clears his throat once the butler comes in with our tea and drinks. He sips his drink and stares at all of us then his eyes fall on the empty seat.

"It has come to my attention that the Goddess is gone. Zelda and the finest magic users have searched for her. She is in our area but when we go out to look for her she's not there. Even Lyon's warriors can't find her" The king says grimly and then picks up his drink. I am in shock then I look at Lyon and he looks incredibly hurt. "Does anyone know anything more about this situation?" The king asks. It is silent but Lyon looks up.

"Before my birthday, the old man she was staying with said she was gone into the forest...we found a old cabin but we can't get inside due to the magic around it however there seemed to be no life whatsoever...we sent our dogs out and they brought us to a clearing and some footprints...one small ones..then larger ones" Lyon chokes on his own words. I don't know how much that girl meant to him but I hate to see my brother like this...even this makes me slightly sad, she was a good person..didn't deserve what I said to her. I think and I feel a frown make its way onto my face.

"She could have been kidnapped" Impa states emotionless and Lyon's eyes dart to hers. "If there were bigger footprints then she might have been forced to go with the person. She isn't that strong so it is easy to overpower her" Impa says and I see Lyon is filled with rage and I haven't seen him like this in a while.

"With her power, if dark forces got to her they'd make her use her powers for evil" Zelda states.

"No" I say abruptly. "(y/n) is too kind...I know for a fact she'd take a beating before giving away herself to the darkness...it's just how she is" I say with a quiet voice. Zelda looks at me very confused and it hurts to see her look at me like that but I will stand by my words.

"Alright then Zelda and Impa will go out to see this cabin and take down the barrier" The king says and finishes his drink but it is quickly refilled with a dark tea.

"Your majesty, please let me go with them" Lyon says and I nod with him as an indication that I would like to go as well.

"No you two will stay here in case something happens to the kingdom" The king says firmly and Lyon looks angry but nods. We both know we cannot oppose the king. "You all my leave" With that everyone leaves the room. Lyon storms down the hallways and down the stairs. I follow behind and see him enter his room and slam the door. A loud bang echos through the halls. I walk slowly to the door and hear sniffs and knock on the door.

"What!" Lyon yells, I hesitate then open the door "Link I didn't say you could come in" Lyon says with a harsh voice.

"Lyon, I know you're upset" I say softly and sit beside my older brother. I look at the music box on his desk, the one our parents gave to us when we were kids. I get up and grab it and sit back down. I turn the stick on the side and open the box to a happy family spinning in circles, the music is as calming as I last remember.

"If you know I'm upset then leave me alone" Lyon says and I shake my head.

"You like her...Don't you" I say softly and Lyon thinks about it. 

"I'm not sure, she's different from the rest..she doesn't have to try to be funny or sweet, she just is. I love the fact she doesn't try to please people..she's free and I envy her..." Lyon says and I see what he means. I crave the same thing sometimes, wishing you weren't a hero and have to do all these duties.

"I know how you feel, however I wasn't that close to her as you...I regret not being nicer to her" I say softly.

"Yeah well your apologize are going to have to wait till we find her" Lyon states seemingly coming back to his old self.

"Alright well know we will find her, I got some duties to attend to same goes for you" I say and leave his room. I walk down the halls and think where could she have gone. I know for a fact that I cannot forget about her till I apologize and make things right. I go outside the castle into the courtyard and kick dirt as I walk out into town to grab my favorite food.

Zelda...Impa..Bring (y/n) back please not only for Lyon's sake...but for mine as well. 

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