Time to Go

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When I wake up I remember last night and smile then the fact I said I was going to go find this man in the forest. I put on pants and a shirt instead of a dress and grab a bag and and walk down and to the bakery. I take the paper out of my pocket that tells me where to go and Walter looks at me and hands me some breakfast. I gladly take it and fork it down.

"Good luck, take this" He says and hands me a black piece of clothing. I unravel it and see it's a cloak. It's not something I'd personally wear all the time or wear out but I take it. "They'll stop you if you're a person just randomly walking into the woods" I nod a simple yes I get it. I drape it over myself and lift up the hood. "(y/n) one last thing" Walter says as he waddles over towards me as I am slowly continuing to leave. He takes my hand and places something in it. I look at it's what looks like a dagger in a sheath. I tuck it into my belt and nods and I leave. I walk a few feet and hear the door to the store open and the little bell.

"Is (y/n) here?" I hear Lyon say and I instantly speed up.

"Oh sir Lyon, (y/n) is asleep still" Walter lies.

"Oh, please pardon me I'll go wake that lazy girl" Lyon says in a laughing bubbly tone. I cannot hear anymore because I'm too far away but I turn around and I see Lyon jumping over the fence in the back and going up my house and knocking on the door with what appears to be flowers. My heart sinks but I can't turn back now. I sprint down the street. I run out of the kingdom gates and guards stare at me but they don't stop me for some reason. I follow the instructions and see a group of goblins. I personally am not wanting to fight. I toss a rock over in the bushes and run past them. I then spot a cabin beside a waterfall. I slowly walk over a stone bridge and stare at my surroundings and at the beauty. I knock on the door, no one answers and I twist the knob.

"Hello?" I call out into the house and it's pretty clean and smells nice. I walk into the house and drop my bag at the door. I hear some shuffling and find the dagger at my waist. I gather the courage to turn the corner. Something lunges at me and throws me to the wall. I swing the dagger but my hands are swiftly pulled above my head. I find a pair of eyes staring at me.

"Who the hell are you?" A low voice says and I can smell alcohol off him. I stare at him and see he's quite scruffy looking but attractive for a man his age. He is probably 30 or more, his hair is a scruffy. "Hey girly answer me" He says and squeezes my wrists tightly. I wince and look him in the eye.

"I-I was sent by Walter...he said you could teach me how to uses a sword and to control my magic" I choke out. He drops me and breath heavily, he walks away into the kitchen and I follow.

"That old man is still alive" He says and pours himself a cup of coffee. "Ahhh okay firstly of all I don't teach people anymore secondly, go home. You entered my house without a knock or anything so leave. There is no way I'd teach such a rude girl"

"Please! I have to learn how to fight" I state and he stares at me.

"The kingdom will help you and if you wanna be a knight or something then you'll take training or whatever the hell you do" He says and takes a sip of his coffee.

"N-No I am the Goddess of Time and they seem to hate me" I explain and his eyes go wide.

"What's your name" He says quickly.

"(y/n)" I say softly and he knots his brow.

"I thought there was only Mira...but she passed hasn't she" He says 

"Yeah but apparently I am her reincarnation" I tell him.

"Well I'm Clark but you'll call me master" Clark says and I shiver.

"Ewww no you perv" I say and back up.

"Yes I am a perv but I'm your teacher so you'll call me Master got that girly" Clark says and I roll my eyes.

"Yes...master" I mutter and he smirks.

"Okay well then first clean up the mess you made" He says and points to the floor and I see mud footprints on the hardwood floor. I take off my shoes and I hear a whip noise and then fell a sting coming from my butt. I turn around and Clark has a towel and he tosses it at me and I catch it. I rub my butt trying to make the pain go away. I wipe the floor and pick up my bag. "Door to the left, it's yours just don't destroy it" Clark says from the living room and I see him toss a blanket over himself on the couch and I think at how that man could possibility be any help to me. I walk up the wooden stairs and turn the corner. I open the door and a light blue room with a soft pillow filled bed is there. It seems untouched because there is dust everywhere. I pat the bed and some dust flies off it. I drop my stuff off and put it in the wardrobe. I sit on my bed and take in my new surroundings. There is a bay window with a small cushion on it. I test it out so I don't fall through it and one I feel comfortable I lean back. I stair outside and see some dear. I smile then hear a crash from downstairs. I quickly get up and hurry down.

"H-Hey! You alright?" I say and skip a few steps on the stairs. I quickly am pulled and spin around and kick whoever is pulling me. They grab my leg and flip me on my back. I see it's Clark.

"Nice try but try harder" He says and I rub my head after it has been smashed against the floor.

"What the hell!" I screech

"(y/n) you're going to be a tough one...but I'll see what I can do" He says to himself and I get up and stare at him till he explains what the hell is going through his mind. "I was testing you...You have the will to fight and have the heart to not use your powers for evil so follow me" Clark says. I do as told and follow him through the back door. He walks me through the forest and holds my dagger in his hands.

"When did you get that!" I snap but then he tosses it to me.

"You need more strength in your body before I start teaching you anything, you can't swing a sword all willy-nilly and let it drag you along when you swing" I glare at him then sigh because I know he's right. He walks behind me and then pushes me. I turn around and he's gone.

"H-Hey! Where did you go!" I yell then hear a growl. I gulp and turn around and see a wolf growling at me and slowly approaching me. I hold the dagger firmly and with a quick movement the wolf lunges at me and I jump out of the way, it lands and quickly spins around and runs at me again. I move slightly stumbling over my own feet and fall backward, the wolf jumps on me but I use my legs to keep it off me. It's claws dig into the sides of my legs, I take the dagger and stab it right in the temple. It flops down on me and I have a struggle throwing it off. I crawl out from under it and I hear a wolf howl. I get on my feet and climb up a tree. I look at my leg and see the giant cuts from the wolf's claws. A wolf comes out of the forest and soon more come out as well. I don't dare move they sniff around their friends dead body and howl. I feel bad but I had to protect myself. I hear a whistle and Clark stands there on the ground.  The wolves run at him.

"Clark!" My voice is so high it cuts out before I can finish my sentence. The branch below me breaks and in a flash I am in Clark's arms.

"Calm down shorty" With that Clark throws me over his shoulder and I see a long silver blade in his belt and I feel his muscles tense and him swing the sword. I freeze feeling the air of the sword as it whips by. With whimpers and yelps along with the thump of bodies hitting the ground. Clark eventually puts me down. He drags me along and I look back at the mess of dead wolves and turn back towards him. I feel sick looking at them and hide my face. Once we get back to the house I start walking back up to my room and as I head up. "You did good shorty" Clark says and grabs a cigarette and walks outside. I smile and look at my wounds then go up stairs into the bathroom and clean them and wrap them in bandages. I lay in bed till I fall asleep.

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