Midnight | Scott

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Scott imagine for criminalminds_312 xx


My eyes opened in the middle of the night, disturbing my sleep, when I heard a knocking sound coming from the side I wasn't facing.

I didn't want to risk having the jelly being scared out of me by some serial killer trying to get into my window so I swiftly grabbed my pepper spray from underneath my bed.

Taking a deep breath, I then swung my feet over the side of my bed and turned toward the window, my pepper spray pointed out, to see Scott, eyes widened and hands risen, obviously surprised.

I sighed, my heart finally relaxing before I hurried to the window, opening it.

"Scott, what the heck are you doing, knocking at my window at-"

I turned to the clock to check the time.

"-almost midnight!" I whisper yelled.

He chuckled," Sorry babe."

"Answer my question please," I groaned, putting my pepper spray away and getting back under my blanket, Scott joining under beside me.

"I wanted to come over because we haven't been spending much time together, you know? And I just finished homework," Scott answered.

"Did you tell your mom?" I asked, my eyes starting to close again.

"Yeah, left a note. Plus, she could just text me if she wants," he held up his phone.

"Well, if you can't tell, I'm more than exhausted so if you're going to bother me, can you just do it later in the morning?" I asked, laying down.

"C'mon, Kailey. Can we just talk a little bit?" Scott asked, taking my hand into his," I miss when we used to always sleep over and just talk all night."

"That was in the summer when we didn't have to worry about grades, homework, and all the stress, Scott. We have school now and I need sleep so I can wake up tomorrow without wanting to constantly hit you in the head over and over again."

He laughed before laying down and us shifting so his arm was around my shoulders and I was snuggled in his chest.

"Fine, we can talk, but I'm going to have my eyes closed and it's not my fault if I fall asleep on you, okay?" 

"Yes, Ma'am," Scott joked, me hearing a smile on his face," did you know you're adorable when you're grumpy and half asleep?"

I couldn't help but laugh," if it was anyone else who would be waking me up in the middle of the night, I would've already yelled at them. I love you too much to be mad at you."

"I love you so much too," Scott began rubbing his thumbs in circles on the back of my hand.

"And you're still nice to me when I'm mean and grumpy which is one reason why I never want you to leave."

"Because I know that you're still your sensitive and cute on the inside."

"Whatever," I laughed," its nice not having to deal with supernatural stuff anymore but now, it gives us more attention to put on how stressful school actually is."

We both laughed," at least it's better than worrying if we'd be dying soon and constantly watching our backs."

"In some circumstances," I joked.

"Your voice is becoming quieter and quieter so I'm gonna let you sleep," Scott said, realizing my state.

I wrapped my arms tighter around him," thanks. Goodnight, love you."

"Goodnight, princess," Scott whispered," I love you."

I loved how he made me feel so warm inside and happy. 

The quietness and darkness surrounded me as I fell asleep.


Author's Note~

Sorry it was so short ):

Idk about this one since it's only like 500 words but the concept was kinda cute 

Thanks for reading! Love you guys <3 

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