Fight Me | Scott

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p.o : {2/15/16}


Scott imagine for criminal_wolves_312 <3


I came home from a tiring day of work.

The blazing sun beat down on the top of my head during the ride home and it made the seemingly never-ending day more than worse.

Since it was summer, I had the joy of not having to deal with the addition of hours of homework, but my boss knew that now that I had more time on my hands, I was capable of working harder with more difficult tasks.

I pulled up to the driveway of my house and parked, quickly exiting with my items in hand, almost forgetting to lock the car.

When I approached the front door, I noticed a note stuck onto it.


Hi, babe! I know you've been stressing out because of work so I decided you needed something fun in your life since you haven't had any of it in a while. The door is unlocked and I'll give you 5 minutes after you read this to change into something more appropriate for a water gun fight ;) Your gun is on the rocking chair on your right. As of in five minutes, you're SO going down. I'll be waiting in the backyard when you're ready.


your amazing boyfriend, Scott <3

I looked to my right to see that his words were correct.

A blue water gun with red stripes sat on the cushion of the rocking chair.

I grabbed it before smiling and heading inside into my room.

Changing out of my work uniform, I replaced the bland outfit with loose, grey, fabric shorts, and a white over-sized t-shirt.

Before hurrying down the stairs, I slipped on some flip flops and tied my hair up in a high ponytail, water gun in hand.

Trying my best to be as quiet as I could, I tip-toed through the kitchen and to the back door where I peeked out to make sure Scott wasn't anywhere in the range where he could spray me easily.

Swiftly, I ran out the door and behind a patio chair where I hid, still examining my surroundings.

A few minutes passed and nothing happened until I sensed a figure walk across the grass, watching the back door.

I turned my head to see Scott, totally unaware of my hiding spot.

It took a lot out of me to keep in the giggles but he ended up hearing.


I tried staying quiet until he began to walk closer.

I jumped out, pulling the trigger and totally soaking Scott.

Instinctively, Scott countered with spraying back, both of us laughing through the flying bursts of water.

Scott stopped shooting and ran off to the other end of the backyard.

Strategically, I jumped over the railing of the patio and stood near the hose.

He turned around and noticed my position, gasping," that's not fair!"

"It's completely fair, babe!" I called back, laughing," it's called strategy!"

He chuckled before he charged towards me, shooting crazily.

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