Partner | Theo

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Theo imagine for Jade_lynn12 💖 (ps sorry this is way late. I apologize to everyone who had requested)
It was the day we were going to be assigned partners for the upcoming History project.

Of course, being a normal person, I wanted to end up being paired with my best friend, but we all know teachers and their mischievous ways. They always knew who was friends with you and never paired them up, simple rules of a teacher.

The project was to create a poster, written report, and oral presentation for an assigned country. Everyone's was different which was a refreshing statement.


"Alright, so now, I will be telling you all your assigned partner pairs." Our teacher began looking around for the paper that had the pairs written on them.

Everyone sighed.

"Oh hush," she joked, straightening her slightly-crinkled paper.

"Sam and Bill."

"Marissa and Justin."

She went down the list until one pair caught my attention.

"Theo and Jade."

My eyes widened.

My teacher seemed to notice since I saw her eyes look to me, a smile grow on her face, then her eyes went back down at the paper.

Theo Raeken.

He was the new kid at the school that year. He was known was the mysteriously kind guy.

My eyes wondered around the room until I found Theo.

He looked over at me, smiling.

I swear, at that moment, everything froze in time.

Our teacher began telling each pair what their topic was.

"Now that you know who your partners and topics are, we'll arrange seating so you can get to know your partner before doing the project."

We were all ordered to stand up and sit next to our partner.

Theo found his way towards me and sat down.

"Hey," he whispered, sending me a small smile.

I returned the gesture.

"Now for the rest of the period, you can talk to your partners about anything as long as you keep your voices quiet."

The moment she stopped talking, the class was filled with mutters.

I turned to Theo," so..."

"How are you liking the new school?" I asked, bringing up his newness.

"Good, I guess," he shrugged.

"That's good."

It was silent.

"Can we stop this?" I laughed," this is getting way too awkward."

"Yeah," Theo laughed with me.

"For the project, where do you wanna meet up to work on it?" I asked.

"How about my house?" He suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good," I smiled.

For the next minutes, we continued our conversation about the project and planning what we'd be doing.

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