Try-Outs | Liam

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idea by BilesBilinskiBaby :)


It was the first day of the second semester of school, basically the time in the year where half of the students gradually start to give up on trying in their classes.

Being the coach of the lacrosse team/my own PE teacher's daughter, it was pretty easy to get good grades as he was friends with all my teachers.

But along with the benefits of being a teacher's daughter came the severe cons.

Every single day after school, I had to haul all my school books to the bleachers and wait for my dad to finish practice.

Why, you ask?

My dad is particularly protective of me because he thinks that freshman year is the year where all the idiotic boys go flirting around. Also because I was his precious little princess who he spoiled as a kid and loved with all his heart.

Although he wasn't completely wrong about the boys, I was still upset at the fact that I had to wait in the blazing sun or freezing cold for a whole hour when I could be at home in my bed, doing my homework peacefully.


After the, what seemed like, never ending hours of school, I exited my last class and headed to my usual spot on the bleachers.

Of course, I was friends with everyone on the team since whenever they'd be benched, I'd somehow start a conversation with them out of pure boredom.

The first few boys popped out onto the field, two of them jogging over to me. Scott and Stiles.

"Hey guys!" I waved as they reached a few feet away from me.

"Hey, Y/N," they both greeted me with a smile.

"Ready for the new season?" I asked, a smirk on my face, remembering the last.

"Not so sure. I heard there's a new kid, Liam Dunbar. He's supposedly really good," Stiles spoke quietly, eyeing the field.

"Really? What does he look like?"

"Brown hair. About yay-high," Stiles held a hand up in comparison to his own height," and he's a freshman."

"Well what's so bad about another good player?" I continued to question them.

"Uhm, we just got our spots on first line and Scott was co-captain last season. Coach's making us start all over because he wants to see what the new kids can do. What if that Liam kid's gonna steal one of our spots? Not gonna happen," Stiles rambled, obviously anxious for what could possibly happen.

"Calm down, Stiles," I laughed," you guys are going to do fine. I believe in you two. Placing my bets on you this season because you've been practicing a lot recently." I pointed to Stiles.

"Yes," Stiles cheered as Scott pretended to look offended.

"I'm kidding, Scott. We all know you're still the best, werewolf powers or not," we all laughed together.

"How about you try out for the team this year, Y/N?" Stiles suggested.

"Uhm, no. First of all, my dad wouldn't let me break a nail out there. And second, I don't want to break a nail out there."

"Stilinski, McCall, get your butts over here and away from my daughter," Coach yelled out.

I smiled as the boys gathered near my dad waved over to me.

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