Rudolph | Liam

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{2/13/16} - {2/14/16}




Liam imagine for addictivestories15 <3


A/N : I know that one of my first imagines had an extremely similar concept (Beyond All Galaxies) and oh my goodness, I slightly cringe at all the emojis I used and just simply the way I wrote LOL I've changed so much personality wise and as a writer which I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope shows in this imagine because I could you not at how much I want to scream when I reread 'Beyond All Galaxies' I don't even know if that's the title and I'm too lazy to look it up so /: ILL STOP TALKING NOW SOZ


I laid bed, wrapped in an uncountable amount of blankets, watching Full House reruns.

It was a few days after Christmas and winter break was doing me well all up until the pack and all our families went on a road trip to Lake Tahoe where we spent plenty of hours in the snow on Christmas Eve.

That day consisted of multiple snowball fights, coffee and hot cocoa breaks, and making snowmen.

Unfortunately, though, I apparently didn't keep warm well enough leading to me catching a cold.

A light knock came from my door.

"Come in," I called out, right away regretting my decision to speak, a fit of hoarse coughs leaving my throat.

The door opened slightly and my dad's head popped in through the crevice.

"Hey, sweetie. I was about to leave for work, but Stiles told me that you were sick, so if you need me to stay home to take care of you, then I can call in-"

"No, Dad. It's okay, I'll be fine," I sent him a small smile, still embraced in the blankets.

He fully entered the room.

"You look anything but fine," he countered, a concerned look on his face.

"Dad, I love you, but I'd hate if I were the reason you had to call in for work. As much as I miss when I'd be sick and we'd have a whole day full of fort-making and watching Clifford, you have to go to work. If anything does happen, Stiles will be here."

"I love you, too, but Stiles went out with Scott to go find some parts for his jeep," my dad informed me.

I gasped," he finally convinced him to actually fix his car?"

"Yeah, what a miracle, right?" he laughed," anyway, you have no one to take care of you."

"I don't need anyone to take care of me," I whined.

A brief sigh escaped my dad's lips before he gave into my words," fine, whatever you say. Stiles gave you the medicine from downstairs?"

"Yup," I gestured towards the bottle that sat on my bedside table next to my water bottle.

"Okay, I'll make him drop by the store to buy you some soup when he comes back home. Stay in bed and take your medicine!"

"I will. Bye!" I called out as he started to walk out.

"Bye!" he shouted back before closing the door behind him.

I turned my attention back towards the television.

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