Chapter 7

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A/N: Guess who actually decided to update after one day :D! Also as you can tell I'm doing slight Watari x Reader in this story, but it's nothing major or anything. Well anyways, hope you enjoy!


When (F/n)'s alarm clock rang, she jumped right out of bed to get ready. She was actually pretty excited to go to school today because she knew after, her and Kousei were going to work on their duet.

She quickly put on her uniform and styled her hair how she normally did it. Even though the practice was after school, she was still really eager to see Kousei.

(F/n) grabbed her schoolbag and started to make her way to school. Even though it was quite breezy, it was still a very beautiful morning.

As she walked she noticed someone getting out of their house. She squinted her eyes to see who it was, 'Watari!' she thought while stopping in her tracks.

(F/n) quickly ran away to hide on the side of someone else's house. She made sure to carefully peek from the side, so he didn't see her.

"Uhhh (F/n)?"

(F/n) shot her head behind her to see Kousei, "Uh sorry Kousei is this your house?"

Kousei walked up to where she was standing and peeked from the side too. "No, but I saw you over here and I was confused. Why are you hiding?"

"Well I saw Watari come out of his house and I was trying to avoid him, so I hid over here."

Kousei chuckled, "Okay well it looks like he's out of sight. You wanna start walking?"

The (h/c) haired girl looked at Kousei and smiled, "Sure!"

The two made their way to school, taking their time to make sure they don't catch up with Watari.

"You know (F/n) I find it funny how you don't like Watari. A lot of girls like him actually."

The (e/c) orbed girl scoffed, "How could anyone like that piece of trash," she looked at Kousei, "What about you Kousei, don't a lot of girls like you too?"

Kousei awkwardly chuckled and continued to look straight, "Oh, uh not really."

She looked up at the sky, "Really? I'm surprised you're pretty cute."

Kousei blushed hard and looked down, "Oh uh thanks I guess," he said while awkwardly chuckling again.

Kousei was really surprised with what (F/n) had just said, but at the same time he felt really happy.


A/N: I know this was short too, but I'm at least happy I updated again really fast. Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed! A comment, follow, or vote is always appreciated (^▽^).

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