Chapter 13

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A/N: Listening to the Undertale Soundtrack filled me with determination, so I decided to write another chapter XD. Anyways I hope you enjoy!


(F/n)'s alarm went off, causing her to slam her hand against it. Ah Monday, how delightful.

After many minutes of avoiding from getting up, (F/n) finally managed to do so. She began doing her usual routine and eventually went out the door to start walking to school.

As she started walking Kousei saw her and ran up to greet her.

He smiled, "Hey (F/n). Ready for school?"

The (h/c) haired girl awkwardly laughed, "Yeah not really."

They both began walking together side by side. (F/n) talked back and forth about many different things, while Kousei listened quietly.

But as you were passionately talking about (Favorite manga/anime), your clumsiness got the best of you. You tripped on your yourself, causing you to trip.

Kousei gasped and immediately grabbed your wrist, so you wouldn't fall on your face.

"(F/n) are you okay?!" He asked worried.

(F/n) looked back at Kousei with some strands of hair on her face, and tinted cheeks. She awkwardly laughed and smiled, "Y-yeah, thanks for helping me."

From behind a bush, Tsubaki had her phone out pointed at the two and snapped a picture at the right moment. Once she had taken the picture she looked back at it and evilly chuckled.

Kousei blushed, "Don't worry about it," he let go of your wrist, "It would be a shame if you were to get hurt."

The two continued their walk to school, and (F/n) managed to not trip over anything this time (A/N: Clumsy one aren't you Reader-chan XD).

(F/n) made her way to her homeroom and sat down at her seat near the back of the classroom and doodled on a piece of paper. Once Watari, Tsubaki, and Kousei entered the classroom, the four of them began chatting until the bell rang.

"Okay, be quiet and take your seats everyone," the teacher said.

"Everyone took their seats, but still continued to talk with one another. Then the door burst opened and a blonde male walked in, causing all the students (especially the girls) to instantly be quiet and turn their heads.

The students whispered to one another.

"Who's that?"

"He's really handsome!"

"I wonder if he has a girlfriend!"

The teacher smiled, "Everyone this is our new student, please introduce yourself."

The blonde male smiled at the class, "Hi everyone, I'm Mitsu Kenta but all of you can call me Kenta," he winked, "Nice to meet you."

After he winked, all of the girls instantly squealed.

'What caused him to transfer here all of a sudden?,' (F/n) thought full of confusion.

"You can sit right next to (L/n) in the back. Raise your hand (L/n) so he knows where you are." The teacher said.

Kenta smiled innocently and walked towards the back, "No it's okay, I already know who she is."

This time even more whispers were present.

"How does he know her?"

"Are they dating?"

Kenta sat down and smiled over at (F/n), but she returned the favor by rolling her eyes as a result of hearing the whispers.

Tsubaki looked over at Kousei, and he looked really upset. He was looking down trying to avoid looking over at the two like the other students were doing.

Tsubaki really wanted to do something to help Kousei out, but she didn't know what to do. Then it hit her. Oh this was going to be good.

(A/N: I was actually considering about stopping it there but I decided to be nice for once XD)

After the last bell of the day rang, (F/n) immediately stood up while Kenta did the same.

Watari and Kousei left the classroom to walk home together, while Tsubaki made her way over to Kenta and (F/n).

"Why are you here?" (F/n) asked him.

"Well I got tired of the boy's school and I decided to come here instead!"

He smirked, "And besides you were the one that was upset with me going to a different school than you, (Nickname)."

"(F/n)," Tsubaki sang out interrupting Kenta and (F/n)'s conversation.

Confused with Tsubaki's strange behavior she replied, "Yeah?"

"So I heard you and Kousei walked to school together?" She said smirking.

"So? We've been walking to school together it's not new."

Kenta looked over at what (F/n) had said in shock.

'What do you mean it isn't new?!' He thought.

"Well," Tsubaki took out her phone and showed her the picture, but also making sure Kenta could see it too.

"I managed to snap a cute photo of the two of you!"

(F/n)'s face instantly became red, "Ehhh?! Why did you take that?!"

Tsubaki laughed, "You guys looked adorable then, so I had too! Oh and (F/n)?"

She stepped closer to her, "Sooner or later you are going to have to tell Kousei how you feel about him."

(F/n)'s face became even more red, "B-b-but i-it's not like t-that!"

"Okay if you say sooo, but I'm not convinced!" Replied Tsubaki. She grabbed her bag, "Well I gotta go so I'll see you later! Bye!"

(F/n) hesitantly waved, and began to get stuff together to leave too. Kenta couldn't believe what he had just witnessed.

He thought to himself, 'Is it possible that she does like him? If so, it seems like I'm going to have to change that.'


A/N: Oh no Kenta what are you gonna do?! As you can see I tried to write a longer chapter this time, it took me a while so I hope you like it. Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed! A comment, follow, or vote is always appreciated (^▽^).

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