Chapter 15

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A/N: So this is just a mini update with a flashback from when you and Kenta used to compete in competitions. I thought that I should make you guys aware with what happened at the competition that's making Reader-chan so hesitant with performing with Kenta. Anyways, hope you enjoy!


Kenta and (F/n) competed at lot's of competitions together, always managing to rank 1st place every time. However, their last competition did not end well, and it's one of the reasons why Kenta and (F/n) don't compete together anymore.

*Flashback to (F/n) and Kenta's last performance*

The audience members stood on the edge of their seats watching the captivating performance. Most of their eyes were on the blonde male.

The way he played each note with his bow, moving it perfectly back and forth on the violin interested the audience. You could tell he was in the moment with the performance him and his accompanist were giving.

But of course you couldn't forget about the girl. Some sweat had fallen from her face onto the top of her hand as she played. Her cheeks were dusted with the shade of pink because of the fast pace of the song.

They both ended the piece strong, with a standing ovation from the audience. The blonde male bowed, along with the (h/c) haired female. They both exited off stage together, and waited excitedly in the lobby for the results from the competition.

Eventually when time had passed, the results were finally posted on the bulletin board.

"Kenta let's go see the results!" The female said.

The male's eyes widened along with an excited smile. He bolted towards the front of the board. Looking closely at the scoresheet, he saw the people who belonged to 1st place.

But it wasn't them

The blonde male looked to the 2nd place category, and sure enough their names were printed there.

The female finally made it up to the front, "Kenta what place did we get?"

Kenta clenched his fists with anger. He mumbled, "2nd..."

(F/n) looked at him and replied confused, "What did you say?"

He slammed his violin case to the ground making everyone who wanted to look at the results step back, with (F/n) doing the same.

"I SAID WE GOT 2ND. NOT 1ST!" Kenta yelled.

(F/n) flinched and started to worry, "K-Kenta you don't need to get mad. 2nd place is r-really good."

The whole lobby was quiet now, and Kenta turned back to the result sheet. "No it's not good enough. We played it perfectly, and we had no mistakes."

He grabbed the result sheet and crumbled it, "I put my whole heart in this performance. AND WE GET 2ND?!"

He threw the paper onto the ground and immediately left the building, still boiling with anger.

(F/n) didn't go after him. She was surprised with what Kenta had done, and she has never seen him act so scary like this before.

So scary over a silly competition.

She picked up the result paper to uncrumple it. She did her best to flatten it out so the words on there were comprehendible, and pinned it back onto the board.

(F/n) picked up Kenta's violin case and left the building. As she was walking to her house she thought this would probably be the last competition they would compete in together.

And she was right.


A/N: Ahh I really enjoyed writing this! I really like doing little flashbacks and I might do them more in the future with Kenta! And I know there hasn't been any Kousei X Reader moments, but I promise there will be some in the next chapeter! Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed! A comment, follow, or vote is always appreciated (^▽^).

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