Chapter 25

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who commented on my Author's Note that was before this chapter, you guys are so kind! Anyways, hope you enjoy!


(F/n) slowly began to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. As (F/n) finally began to realize her different surroundings, she noticed that she was in a random bed that she hadn't seen before.

"(Nickname)? Are you up now?"

(F/n) quickly looked over to see Kenta doing homework at his desk.

She then had realized something, "Wait why am I in your bed?!"

Kenta sighed, "You passed out when we were at the fountain. Did you get any sleep last night?"

The memories began flooding back into (F/n)'s mind. She remembered that she was binge watching a new show she had started, and didn't end up going to sleep at all.

"You know, it was kinda weird you just passed out standing up. You should really take better care of yourself." Kenta chuckled.

(F/n) was too lazy to get up, so she layed back down and went on her phone. She noticed the missed calls, but didn't pay attention to them and went on tumblr instead.

Then all of a sudden there was a loud disturbing knock at the door, "KENTA OPEN THE FREAKIN DOOR RIGHT NOW!"

(F/n) heard the voice and realized it sounded familiar, "Is that, Tsubaki?"

She got up and ran down the stairs to the front door and opened it. Once she opened it, she saw both Tsubaki and Kousei at the door.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?"

Tsubaki immediately hugged (F/n), "Oh thank goodness you're okay!"

She got out of the hug and spoke up again, "We were both worried that idiot Kenta did something to you. You weren't answering your phone!"

(F/n) chuckled, "Guys, it's okay! I just fell asleep so I must have not heard it. And besides, Kenta would never do anything bad to me!"

Kenta came out from behind (F/n) and put his arm around her, "Of course I wouldn't, (Nickname) is my girlfriend after all!"

Everyone was silent, and Kousei's heart practically stopped for a second.

(F/n) finally spoke up and rolled her eyes, "I'm not your girlfriend Kenta..."

Kenta snickered and decided to have some fun since Kousei was there. He held (F/n)'s chin and faced it towards him, "Aww but you said you loved me not too long ago."

Tsubaki was tired of Kenta's actions so she kicked him in the shin, "DON'T YOU START MAKING THINGS UP!"

Kenta hissed at Tsubaki, "What was that for?!"

She took (F/n)'s wrist and dragged her outside, "Come on (F/n) we're going."

(F/n) let herself be dragged by Tsubaki with Kousei following behind them, and Kenta stood in the doorway watching her leave.

He sighed and took out a bottle with pills, "Well, looks like you're body was strong enough for these."

Kenta put the bottle back in his pocket and chuckled, "Oh but don't worry (Nickname), you'll be back."


A/N: The beginning was not what you expected I bet XD. Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed! A comment, follow, or vote is always appreciated (^▽^).



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