Chapter 26

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A/N: Hey guys! So I know I haven't been updating a lot, and it's because of school. But don't worry because when summer comes, I plan on updating a lot! I also want to start 2 more books, but I'll give you guys details about that towards the summer. If you added me on snapchat you already know one of them aha. Anyways, hope you enjoy!


Tsubaki ended up leaving Kousei and (F/n) alone together, which meant they were finally able to work on their project. They were making a poster board and were gluing on the information.

As they worked on it together, it was pretty silent until Kousei decided to speak up.

"So, what did you and Kenta do?"

"Oh, well we went into town and stuff. Nothing too extravagant." (F/n) said while continuing to paste pictures on, "Oh and by the way. Sorry for not telling you where I went. Kenta practically dragged me out of the house and took my phone away so I couldn't text you."

"No it's fine! I was just worried at first. I'm glad you're okay." he replied with an awkward laugh.

~Mini Time Skip cause I'm lazy lol~

"Ah finally we're finished!" (F/n) said while stretching out her back.

Kousei smiled, "Well I better get going, it's getting late."

"I can walk you home if you want." (F/n) said.

"No I'm fine, don't worry about it," he said and smiled reassuringly.

"Okay!" (F/n) led him to the door, "Well, see you on Monday!"

"Bye!" Kousei left the house and started walking home. As he was walking he couldn't stop thinking about Kenta.

There's definitely something strange about him, but I just can't seem to put my finger on it, Kousei thought to himself.

And Kousei was right, but he better hurry up and find out what it is.

Or else it'll be too late...


A/N: Sorry it's short but I needed up get this scene out of the way for a new part. A comment, follow, or vote is always appreciated (^▽^).



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