Chapter 29

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A/N: Sorry I didn't get to update at all Saturday. I was working the whole day, and today I was working too but I got to go home early because of the weather yay! So that means I could update! Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


(F/n) slowly started to wake up. She realized she was tied up in a chair, and tried to moving around to get out of it but it was no use. (F/n) looked around and noticed she was in a dark room, and there was no windows to be found in it. Instead one single lamp on the ceiling was lit.

"Good morning (Nickname)."

(F/n) gasped, "K-Kenta, thank god. Help me get out of this, somebody tied me up."

Kenta laughed and smiled at her sadistically, "I'm afraid I can't do that (Nickname)."

"W-why not?" (F/n) replied feeling uneasy.

Kenta walked up to (F/n) and stroked her face, "Because I'm the one who did this."

~Back to Kousei and Tsubaki~

"Don't you think (F/n) has been gone a while? Halftime ended at least 5 minutes ago." Kousei asked looking back.

Tsubaki shrugged, "I guess so, why don't you call her?"

Kousei lifted up (F/n)'s (phone/color) phone, "She left her stuff with us remember?"

Tsubaki laughed, "Oh yeahh, whoops! Well don't stress about it, she'll show up sooner or later."

Kousei bit his lip nervously. For some reason he didn't have a good feeling about this.

~Back to Kenta and (F/n)~

"Why are you doing this?" (F/n) asked surprised with her face full of tears.

Kenta smirked, "You don't remember don't you...(F/n)."

The (e/c) eyed girl gulped nervously, "Remember what?"

"When we were younger, remember when you got bullied by those kids? I promised to protect you (F/n), and that's what I'm doing." Kenta said while walking around the room.

"Kenta, what you're doing isn't protecting me! You've taken me away from my friends and tied me up to a chair!"

Kenta laughed, "Oh but (F/n), I am protecting you."

He walked up to (F/n) and wiped a tear from her (e/c) orbs. Kenta bent down and whispered in her ear, "I'm protecting you from Arima Kousei."


A/N: OOOHHHHH SNAP, Kenta needs to chill lol. Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed! A comment, follow, or vote is always appreciated (^▽^).



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