Chapter 5. Giving up

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School is starting, and I'm afraid I might not post as much, so I've been trying to cram a few chapters in before I go back to hell. Don't worry, I'll still post several chapters a week, it just wont be an everyday thing.

Anyway, this chapter might be a little dull because the actual wedding will be next chapter. (So if you're waiting for smut I'd say tentatively chapter 7 or 8, maybe both) I'm really sorry if this is boring, I just needed to set up for the wedding chapter. I'm also going to try and make all the chapters from here out longer because I can't post as often. Again thank you all so much for the reviews :D it's been real.

You had fallen asleep after last nights events, and you woke to Kylo laying on his side staring at you.

"Good morning." He blinked a few times, before continuing "I've given up." 

"Excuse me?" You rubbed your eyes and yawned, trying to adjust to his voice and proximity to your face. It was early and you couldn't quite comprehend anything at this hour.

"I've given up on trying to avoid you and avoid the fact that we are to be married." He paused. "I think we friends." You stared at him for a while before sighing.

He really does change moods often, doesn't he?

"Sure, Kylo, we can be friends. But I think we should talk about last ni-" He got out of bed and you were suddenly lost at words when you glanced at his sleep attire. Thin black shorts and no shirt. You had seen his face yesterday but you hadn't seen his body. He had a strong torso, with noticeable chest and arm muscles. His hips were high and defined. His thighs looked strong enough to kill their own star. You heard him chuckle and suddenly noticed that he had turned around and could see your very obvious staring.

"Like what you see?" He smirked and walked into the bathroom. Your face felt flushed and you hid in your pillow. He strode out a few minutes later in full suit. 

"Are you done in there? I need to change." You revived a nod in return. 

Looking through the clothes in Kylo's closet you quickly realized a lot of it was old empress type wear. You picked a decent looking dress with a hood and sash, black of course, and walked into the living room. You stopped in your tracks as you quickly realized you and Kylo were not alone in your quarters.

"Ah, (Y/N)! You look well adjusted!" General Hux said with an insincere smile on his face. He stood facing Kylo with a silver stormtrooper to his right. "I was just telling Kylo that I hope you two are making nice, because your wedding is tomorrow!" He clapped his hands together and smiled wickedly at Kylo. 

"Oh, is there something wrong (Y/N)? You look a bit pale." It was true, you were pale, your throat felt tight as you considered his words. You knew your wedding would be soon but you had never imagined it would be within a few days of your arrival. You turned and looked at Kylo, but with his mask on you had no idea what he was thinking. Finally, your voice came back and you managed to squeak out a feeble, "Yes, yes, I'm very excited."

"Great! Well, Kylo, I will see you later today, I'm sure." Hux turned toward the exit and motioned the silver stormtrooper to follow. "Have a good day, (Y/N)!"

After he had left Kylo took off his mask to look at you. "Are you okay?" he asked looking concerned.

"I'm fine, no big deal. General Hux is a bit intimidating, though." 

"No, I don't mean about Hux, I mean are you okay with the wedding being tomorrow?" He asked, looking worried. You took a second to think.

Am I okay with it? There's nothing I can actually do about it, but still, how do I feel about Kylo? I've only know him for a few days, but it seems like every day something develops, whether it be a fight or a different feeling between the two of us.

"Yeah, I am." You smiled at him and you saw the beginning of a smile back.

"Well, duty calls." He replaced his mask and grabbed his belt on the way out. As he left you realized you still had not talked about what happened last night, but, maybe that was a conversation for after your wedding. 

The rest of the day was pretty slow for you as you walked around the rooms looking for things to clean or papers to read. Finally, when you had become so bored you decided to take a nap, the silver stormtrooper walked into the quarters.

"I'm here to bring you your wedding supplies." A female voice rang out in obvious disgust. She handed you a folded pile of clothes and a small bag. You admired her silver suit and a question appeared in your mind, and against your better judgement you asked.

"Why did you get stuck with the delivery job?" The stormtrooper grunted and put a hand to her mask in exasperation. 

"Hux wanted a woman to bring you these in case you, as he put it, 'needed a woman's help', which is funny considering I have never used makeup in my life." she growled and turned to leave.

"That is very offensive. I'm sorry." You said with a genuine smile. She paused, then left the quarters without another word.

The thanks I get for being friendly.

You opened the bag and found several makeup dispensers and a picture of the traditional Sith marriage paint. The clothes included a long gown with black lace and small jewels, and black dress robes for Kylo. At least now you had something to do, and you began practicing the makeup.

*A few hours later*

"AHH!" Kylo screamed as he walked into the bathroom and was startled by your face covered in black lines. 

"Oh! I'm sorry! The lady in silver brought me wedding makeup and i was just trying it out!" You grabbed a towel and began to wipe the black stripes, smearing them to the point where your face was covered.

Kylo stifled a laugh and grabbed the towel to try to help. "You know, I believe in some cultures your face would be deemed offensive to some races." He smiled and dabbed the towel in some water. You turned to the mirror and glanced at yourself and couldn't help but collapse with giggles. Soon Kylo was joining you and his booming laugh echoed throughout the quarters. You both finished removing the makeup and alternating between a chorus of cackles.

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