Chapter 16. Confession

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You had your head pressed to Kylo's bare chest. His hand absentmindedly stroked your cheek as he told you stories about when he grew up. He tried to never mention his parents in these stories, but he mentioned droids and wookies and several other characters.

"And so my uncle Chewie, that furrball, he threw a sock at my uh- at Han Solo. And then with the force I bombarded them both with socks." His booming laugh echoed through the room. You giggled along with him.

"You have a wookie for an uncle?" You laughed and a burst of sadness cast over Kylo's face. His hand moved to his side as if he were remembering something from the scar there. The pain on his face was evident.

"I did. Not anymore." He stared at the ceiling but then smiled at you. "You know, before you came along I had nobody to tell things to." You had a feeling in the pit of your stomach. You had been thinking about what happened on Marq-El for a while. You feared you had made a drastic mistake by not telling Kylo about the boy.

"I have to tell you something. On Marq-El, I got a strange feeling in the force." Kylo's eyebrows raised.

"From the Jedi?" He asked

"No, a boy. He was in a crowd of people. I could sense something... I dont know what it was."

"That isn't good. I wish you had told me while we were there." He sat up and began to dress. "Get ready, we need to return to Marq-El." He put on his helmet.

The ride to the planet was quick, because of it being only you, Kylo, Phasma, and a single squadron of stromtroopers, you were able to take a faster ship. The doors opened and Kylo pulled you with him toward the village.

"(Y/N), point out the boy you saw." The stormtroopers marched in the houses and pulled out everybody to the street. You felt what you had felt before and you turned around to see the green eyed boy standing a few feet away. He was pushing a small cart of dirt from a field. You lifted up a finger to point.

"There, with the dark hair." The boy looked frightened as a stormtrooper grabbed him and pulled him to you and Kylo. He stood in front of you and stared at the ground.

"Name." Kylo commanded and the boy shook with fear.

"Leo." he whispered. Kylo stepped closer and spoke louder with more force.

"Speak louder child!" And Leo's face turned red and his eyes watered.

"Leo." He spoke and tears began to fall. Kylo inhaled ready to yell at him but you quickly placed a hand on his arm and whispered to him.

"Kylo, he's a child, please." He turned to you and saw your pleading glance. He turned back to Leo and let out an exasperated breath.

"Stay still while I open your mind." Kylo placed a hand against the child's head and closed his own eyes. After a few seconds his eyes snapped open and he turned to the stormtroopers behind him. "Take him to the ship and when we get back to base I want him put in a locked room until I can speak with Snoke." He grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the way of the guards. You couldn't see his expression but from his body language you knew he was tense and angry. "I want a word with you." He growled. You stiffened as his grip on your arm grew tight. "First off, don't tell me what to do in front of troops and civilians, my demeanor is necessary to lead." You opened your mouth to protest and he stopped you. "Secondly, I dont appreciate that you kept this from me in the first place, because that boy is force sensitive. If you hadn't told me he could've grown up without me knowing." You nodded but your face was red and you really didn't like his tone.

"What will happen to him?" You asked angrily. "He's a child you cant just kill him!" He let out an annoyed sigh.

"I will conference with Snoke. Most likely he will order the child to be executed. " Your jaw dropped.

"So because he's force sensitive he deserves to die?!" You said furiously.

"Its too dangerous to have force users running around everywhere. Snoke barely let me keep you around after you were discovered. The reason he let you live is because I vouched that I would handle you." His tone was deadly and his grip shattering.

"HANDLE me?! What does that mean?!" You were extremely angry at this point and jerked your arm away from him. "Well maybe I will vouch to handle that boy!" You stormed off to the ship with Kylo hot on your trail.

The ride back to StarKiller was silent and heated. The tension between you and your husband was thick enough to make even Phasma uncomfortable. When you returned you and Kylo walked side by side into the great hall. After a few minutes, the image of Snoke appeared. His pale, bony face was enough to give you nightmares for months.

"Kylo Ren, what do you have to report." He then noticed you beside Kylo. "Ah, this must be your wife. (Y/N). He gave you a creepy smile. Your courage was wearing thin but you stood tall and spoke.

"Leader Snoke, we found a force sensitive boy while on Marq-El. We-" you glared at Kylo for emphasis. "Would like to train him." Kylo started to object.

"No, I do not, she-"

"Ren silence." Snoke turned to you. "Do you think he has potential as a possible first order leader?" Your thoughts turned back to when you first felt the force running through the boy.

"I do, Supreme Leader, the force runs strong in him." Snoke nodded at this and Kylo stood fuming next to you. Boy you were gonna get it later.

"(Y/N), you and Kylo Ren have the duty of raising this child. I expect nothing but the best. And if for some reason he cannot be trained, kill him." Snoke turned to Kylo. "He is your responsibility." With that Snoke disappeared and the great hall was empty except for Kylo and yourself.

"(Y/N) WHAT THE HELL?!?" He screamed with fury. "YOU CANT JUST- I- ARRG!" He stormed off and activated his saber running the blade along the wall as he walked. You were angry and sat down on the floor and began to meditate like Phasma had taught you.

"Now we can speak alone." You jumped and were greeted by Snoke back in his chair. "We have some matters to discuss." He smiled evilly. "Privately."

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