Chapter 26. Protect

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"Kylo, I'm fine, I swear!" You whined as Kylo pushed you over to cook.

"You shouldn't be on you feet so much." He said and took the utensil from you. You pouted and walked over to your bed. Your baby bump was now quite prominent and you patted it softly.

"Daddy is being mean isn't he?" You cooed and rubbed your back. Leo walked over and sat down next to you. "Hey buddy, whats up?" You gave him a side hug and he beamed up at you.

"If its a boy what are you gonna name it?" He asked and touched your stomach lightly.

"I'm not sure. Kylo has all sorts of ideas." You rolled your eyes. In the recent weeks Kylo had been more excited about this baby than you were. He doted on you constantly and frequently made sure you weren't doing anything stressful. In the night he'd wake you up and have you move over if you were laying in a place that was unhealthy for the baby. During the day he made you drink a constant stream of fluids and eat as many healthy meals as he could stuff in you. He also didn't want you to leave the quarters so you hadn't been to a training session in a while.

"Kylo, I'm supposed to get a certain amount of exercise!" You whined from the bedroom. Leo laughed in response. While he had been to all his trainings, you hadn't seen Phasma since the med bay incident.

"Yes, but you dont need to be working so hard." He insisted as he entered the room. "If you need something active you can always train with me here," He said and you rolled your eyes.

"I want to leave the quarters Kylo! I haven't left in ages! I'm getting restless." He walked over to where you sat and gave you a kiss. Leo got up and wandered to his room, leaving the both of you alone.

"Please. I cant just stay in the quarters ti until I have this baby." You begged and he grabbed you in a hug.

"Okay fine. We will do something tomorrow. Outside the quarters." You gave him a peck on the nose and he kissed your neck. You sat curled up in his arms for a bit.

"So, what do you want to name it?" You asked. Kylo smiled in return.

"Well, if it's a girl I was thinking Talia, or Essa, maybe Harley? Oh and a boy what about Seth or-" You cut him off with a hand to his mouth.

"You do realize we are only having one kid right?" You laughed as he blushed a bit.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just can't stop thinking about this." He patted your stomach lovingly and you laughed.

"Its funny. I always thought these roles would be switched if I got pregnant." You joked. Kylo flinched a bit.

"I know I didn't want kids before, and maybe it was having Leo here that changed my mind, but God am I excited to have this child with you." His eyes were bright and excited.

"Yeah, well, you don't actually have to birth the thing." You shivered. You couldn't imagine the event of having to birth this child without Kylo there. He rolled his eyes at you and got up to finish preparing food. You called Leo to eat and noticed Kylo typing a lot on his holo pad.

"Work?" You asked nervously and he gave you a smirk.

"Actually, no." He said with a devilish grin. You tried to peer over the table and see what he was typing but he curved away before you could.

"What are you up to?" You asked. He turned to Leo.

"How do you feel about staying with Phasma for a week?" He asked and Leo almost jumped out of his seat in excitement.

"That would be cool!" He smiled and Kylo looked over to you.

"Well then, you and I are going away for a week." He reached across the table and grabbed your hand. "You said you wanted to get out."

"Where are we going?" You asked curiously. He typed a few things with his other hand and put the pad away.

"A moon orbiting Kessel, it has a beautiful body of water, granted its toxic, but the beach is nice. We have a few satellite buildings on the ground there. " He smiled. "Its far enough away from the resistance that I don't worry about a conflict." You jumped up and gave him a huge hug.

"Thank you!" He kissed your forehead.

" We can pack some clothes tonight. I can have a ship ready tomorrow?" He asked and you nodded.

"You know, we never had a honeymoon." You smiled and he grinned at you.

"A Honeymoon, on a moon?" He laughed.

"Its a HoneyMOON."

Fuck off, Alex. - editor

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