Chapter 21

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Omg the reads on this have skyrocketed. I'm so thankful!

He stormed through the halls until he reached his destination. His anger was hot fire seeking to leave him. Kylo was angry, he was hurt, and he felt like a fool. No one made Kylo Ren look like a fool. He didn't even hesitate to knock as he swung the door open with the force. Phasma sat inside her quarters terrified. She had been waiting for his arrival. She knew after her mistake that (Y/N) would not lie to her husband about what had happened. Knowing Kylo Ren she was not surprised that he was standing in her doorway, shoulders hunched and eyes red with anger. Kylo used the force to push her against the wall by her neck.

"HOW DARE YOU?!?" He screamed at her. He choked her harder and screamed his anger out. "THAT IS MY WIFE. DID YOU THINK I WOULDN'T FIND OUT?!" His voice broke in several places, betraying how emotional he was.

"No, I knew you would find out." She managed to get out. She struggled against him and he released her to the floor.

"HOW DARE YOU EVEN TRY FOR HER. DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" His voice bellowed through the room and Phasma sat quivering in fear on the ground. Bruises began to appear on her throat.

"Ren I'm sorry!" She yelled with her injured throat. Kylo activated his lightsaber and held it up to her neck. The heat sizzled her skin, burning her from the proximity. She let out a sob in fear.

"She is mine." He hissed. He prepared to finish what he had started but something stopped him. It was (Y/N)'s voice, telling him not to hurt her. Pleading with him. He stopped and took a step back.

Kylo! Please! I know you can hear me! Dont do this!

Kylo blocked his mind from her. Your screams penetrated through the force trying to convince him. He ignored you and stepped toward Phasma again, ready to finish this.

Phasma exhaled and looked up at Kylo.

"I'm sorry. I... respect your marriage with her." Kylo saw into her mind. He found what he was looking for.

"You love her." He stated in disgust. Phasma hung her head in shame. She hadn't meant to fall for you. You had been the only one in years to show her compassion.

"I do." A tear went down her cheek. "I'm sorry." Kylo slammed his saber into a wall. He deactivated it and moved in inches from Phasma. He growled at her with his hand around her neck.

"If you ever try to steal my wife from me again," His voice stinging with venom, "I will kill everything you cherish in this world before I slaughter you." Phasma choked a bit as tears streamed down her face. Kylo let go and whirled around to exit. He stormed away the way he had come. Leaving Phasma in her wrecked quarters, she held her knees to her chest and cried.

Back to the Reader.

You rocked back and forth on your heels. Waiting in front of the quarters for Kylo. You had bitten your nails to stubs and your eyes were tear stained. Finally, Kylo emerged from down the hall and walked swiftly to you.

"Kylo I-" You started but he silenced you with a forceful kiss. You accepted his touch with confusing apprehension. He released you and grabbed both of your wrists in a tight hold.

"You. Are. Mine." He growled. You nodded your head yes and he pulled you into the quarters. It was late and you had already put Leo to bed. Kylo dragged you into bed with him and held you to him tightly. "Mine." He repeated until you both had fallen asleep.

A Dark Marriage. (Kylo Ren X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now