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Hi guys! i just wanted to make an authors note to address some things cuz its been awhile. So lemme tell you about my new writing system. Currently I have three chapters already written and ready to post, but i wont for awhile. I'm going to wait until the previous chapter reaches at least 350 reads to post the next, and that's gonna be for every chapter from now on. 

Also, lemme address the kids thing. I really want this story to last and be at least like 20 chapters long. I want to write about the reader and Kylo living together for a long time. That said, I'm really hesitant about them having kids. Because come on, the last thing this universe needs is another fucking Skywalker kid. This whole franchise is one family just screwing up. I feel like Kylo should just chill and not do the procreate thing. Like if Rey is part of the family (I have a theory about who she is actually) we don't have to worry about her having kids because Jedi don't do that. So Kylo should get with the program and like end this shitty family tree right here. 

Ill figure it out though, if i feel like the story line calls for it ill consider them spawning another angsty force user. If you guys have any suggestions let me know and ill think about them.


I might consider doing a book of Kylo one shots because i have all these scenarios in my head for Kylo fics that wouldn't fit in this story. What do you think? Let me know. Anyway BYE and i hope you love this story as much as I do. Please vote and comment on this story and follow me if you want more trash like this. 

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