Anger and Agony

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Johnny moved down the hallway in a very angered motion, he ripped pictures from the wall and swung his arms ahead of himself, making his way downstairs he glared over at Ava and Matty on the couch, he kicked over a lamp and picked up the chair shoving it in their direction.

“Murillo! Where the fuck are you?!” Johnny hollars.

Ava looks at Matty and he mutters under his breath, “Shit.” Matty muttered out and that was all it took.

Johnny slid the knife out from his belt and threw it in their direction. Ava let out a small disgruntled noise as it plunged into her back.

“Shit!” Matty hisses and then he grabs Ava up in his arms and quickly runs out of the room to his.

Danny walks in the room moments later with Faith at his side.

“Oh look. Just the two I wanted to see.” Johnny snaps.

Faith’s face goes pale and she instantly finds herself looking at the floor, hiding herself from the rage that she could feel emitting from the male in front of her.

“You touched Fai.. You touched what was mine and I’ve warned you about this before!” Johnny yells and instantly gets in Danny’s face.

“Oh please… We’re sick of the attitude. Drop it, Ragan. You’re not special because you killed your family.” Danny rolls his eyes.

“Daniel. I have told you. I brought you in. Saved you.. and twice now. Not to mention the countless times you’ve disrespected me.” Johnny hisses through clenched teeth.

“Give it up.” Danny rolls his eyes and pushes past Johnny.

Johnny instantly grabs his arm and then grabs Danny’s neck and shoves him up agsinst the wall. He starts throwing punches and slams Danny against the wall each time he fights back. He hisses and throws Danny across the room, he then goes to the fire place and grabs the poker, holding it in the fire before he stabs Danny in the leg, growling as he watches the man scream from the burn. Danny then kicks Johnny’s legs out from under him, blood dripping from his face he lunged at Johnny, but Johnny bit down on his arm and pulled, ripping out a small portion of his arm. He then shoved Danny back and pulled his fist back to punch Danny again. Just as he did Faith ran over and grabbed his arm, instantly Johnny turned and the punch meant for Danny had turned into a slap that instantly left a red welt on Faith’s face. Johnny had to process it for a moment, but when he finally realized what had happened he instantly moved to cup her face, but she backed away, tears in her eyes.

“You hit me.” Faith mutters out quietly.

Johnny shakes his head, “I didn’t… I didn’t mean to, Fai.. I’m sorry.” Johnny whispers and steps toward her, but she shrivels away and quickly moves to latch to Danny’s side.
Johnny rubbed his face, his anger replaced with a sadness that he had never felt before in his life. He looked at Faith one final time before he turned and headed toward the front door, he quickly slammed it after he walked out.

Faith looked at Danny, she wiped her eyes and then watched as he begun to slowly heal himself, “Can you go get me some more blood? I need more to heal up.”

“Sure, but only so I can kill you myself… I wonder who… Jorel told him.” Faith growls and instantly gets up, she rushes upstairs and then to Jorel’s room. She knocks on the door and hisses when it opens slightly.
Faith looks around, but only notices that the room is entirely dark. She heard soft sobbing coming from the other side of the bed. Her anger left her for a moment and she moved to turn on the light switch, a soft sigh leaving her lips.

“Jorel..” Faith barely mumbles out his name before she feels a pair of sticky and cold arms wrap around her, “What the..” and that’s when she realizes his arms are covered in blood.

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