Holding It In

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Dylan made his way upstairs slowly, he looked around slyly as he had done so. He paused at Charlie's door and then glanced down the hallway before he slowly entered the room, he then quietly shut the door behind himself. He looked around the room before he noticed the lump of blankets on the bed, a grin formed on his lips and slowly he moved to the bedside. He hesitated for a few minutes before he jumped on the lump and then tumbled off the other side with the pile of blankets in his arms.

"What?" Dylan mumbles confused.

Charlie smirked and then jumped out of the closet and tackled Dylan, laughing as he pinned the other man down.

"Thank god. I thought I wasn't going to get a moment with you since you came back..." Charlie grins slightly.

"Hey, The others were worried too. Faith missed me too. It was hard to sneak away, But once Johnny started getting antsy, him and Faith left the room and I was pretty much free." Dylan laughs a little and shrugs.

"You know we can't keep sneaking around much longer... Someone is going to find out." Charlie bites his tongue as his lips hint at a frown.

"Why? We've kept it hidden for two years. We're good at hiding things." Dylan nods his head slowly.

"Why do we have to hide it? Jorel and Johnny don't have to hide the fact that they love Ava and Faith? Or Matty... he isn't even with Ava, but we all know he loves her. Why do we have to hide the fact that we love each other? Why?" Charlie frowns now, looking down at Dylan.

"Because I know how Danny and Matty are... They give you shit for everything and honestly... I just didn't want you to feel bad about yourself, or bad about this. I'm afraid that if we came out... I'd lose you. I don't want to lose you." Dylan mirrors Charlie's frown.

"You won't not now. Not ever." Charlie whispers softly.

"Swear?" Dylan asks quietly.

"I swear." Charlie nods.

Dylan grins and leans up pressing his lips to Charlie's a small chuckle escaping his lips as he rolled over, pinning Charlie on the floor now.

"Hey!" Charlie whines against his lips.

"I have never been on bottom.. and I'm not about to start today." Dylan rolls his eyes with a smirk.

Charlie shuts his eyes and laughs once, letting himself melt into the kiss as he did so. Dylan pulled away slowly, only to slowly inch Charlie's shirt up his body.

"I'll never let you freeze again... I've been to hell... I've got enough warmth for the both of us... and I've missed you." Dylan whispers softly as he runs his hand up Charlie's torso.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The words had left Dylan's lips quickly and then almost as quickly his lips were back on Charlie's, with ever full intention of showing him just how much he had missed him.

Jorel rubs his face as he looks over at Ava, since their reunion earlier he hadn't said much to her. They sat on the couch, hand in hand, watching something on TV that Jorel found particularly boring. Ava rested her head on his shoulder and instinctively he rested his head against hers and smiled when she squeezed his hand.

"I guess... The worst thing about hell... was that you weren't there with me. The guys were there... and my dad... Chris was there too, but I didn't think he had died. I think Matty got to him though, because when he described his killer.. Curly headed demon seemed to be his favorite selection of words." Ava laughs slightly, "I'm just really glad to be back here with you and safe."

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