Family Meeting

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Two weeks later...

Johnny rubs his face slightly and looks over at Faith, he watched her slip out of her everyday clothes into something a bit more formal. He grinned as the blue of the dress brought out her beautiful brown eyes more than ever. He noticed her eyes flash a blue and then he grinned a bit as he set his hands on her hips.

"You look beautiful." Johnny whispers.

"Thank you." Faith nods and blushes slightly.

"You know.. This was a good idea, having everyone dress up nice and acting all formal about this." Johnny nods.

"What can I say? I just thought it'd be easier.. Ya know? Maybe if we dress formal and act formal about this, then the others will as well."

"That's true, my love."

"So... Your suit... Your tie is blue, are we all color coded?"

"You bet."


"I just like the pretty colors." Johnny laughs and looks at her.

Faith rolls her eyes, "Are you ready?"

"Of course. Let's go." Johnny nods and hooks his arm around hers.

Jorel sat down at the table, he and Ava had just finished placing the cups of blood at the spots on the table when he noticed Faith and Johnny making their way downstairs. Jorel didn't like dressing formal, he missed his converses and ripped jeans. A small sigh left his lips as he sat down beside Ava, her red dress stopping mid thigh. He glanced back at Faith's long blue dress and realized he wasn't very happy with how short Ava's was, but he didn't say anything. He looked over at her and noticed her eyes were focused on Matty as he entered the room. His hair was neatly slicked back and his undershirt was a beautiful shade of purple. He felt a small amount of jealousy flare up when Matty sat beside her. Suddenly he'd started to think maybe he should've thrown Matty into the fire as well.

Johnny took his seat at the head of the table and Faith sat in the first seat to the left across from Jorel. Dylan then sat beside Faith with Charlie to his left and across from Matty. Danny took his seat at the other end of the table across from Johnny. He looked around before he leaned back and kicked his feet up on the table.

"So what's the first thing we're going to discuss?" Faith looks at Johnny.

"The lack of self control amongst you people is insane. So I've decided not to let any of you feed for all day, but in front of us are all cups of blood. Looks good right? Well you aren't allowed to drink it, and if you do. You'll get sick. This is my first test." Johnny nods.

"But I'm hungry.." Dylan whines.

"You can feed in about an hour."

"This isn't fun." Dylan shakes his head.

"Secondly.. No more secrets. So we're going to go around the table and I want everyone to spill out everything that they've been keeping to themselves. Everything. If I find out you're lying, I'll kill all of you? Okay?" Johnny grins.

Everyone nods their head.

"Let's start with Jorel." Johnny nods and points at Jorel.

Jorel looks away from Johnny and clears his throat, "Ava and I are engaged... And I tried to burn Danny alive."

Johnny's eyes grow wide, "What? Jorel! You can't just set people on fire."

"He hurt Ava," Jorel growls softly, "If it were Faith, You would've done the same and told the rest of us you had to do it. That it was okay, but now since it's Ava. It's not okay? Fuck you."

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