The Tick Tock of the Clock is Painful

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Johnny holds Ava tightly in his arms as he watches Faith and Jorel go, by the time they left the police had arrived and a wave of horror hit Johnny. He couldn't go home. He couldn't lead them back to their home. Johnny held Ava in his arms as he turned and ran out the backdoor. He heard numerous gunshots and then quickly he made his way over the fence and then down the road. He started running faster and eventually he climbed to the top of one of the buildings and scooted back from the edge. He set Ava down and sighed as he rubbed his face. He didn't want to get caught, or go out this way. He looked over at Ava and then rubbed his eyes, tears starting to run down his face.

"I have to get home to Faith." Johnny whispers.

"You will." Ava mutters quietly and rubs her temple.

"The cops are everywhere, What if we get caught?" Johnny looks over his shoulder and quickly wipes his eyes.

"We won't. I have an idea, but you're going to have to help me." Ava nods slowly.

"What's your idea?"

"If I can figure out how to use my gift... I can make them start a fight, which will cause a diversion so we can get away."

"That's actually a great idea."


"Yea. It could work... The only problem is, You have to make sure you keep them distracted long enough."

"How do I do that?"

"You have to clear your mind. Get your emotions in check yourself. You can't be stupid about this, Ava. Otherwise we're both dead."

"I... I don't think I can Johnny..."

"Come on. You can do it."

"I don't think I can. I can't do anything right. My dad told me that everyday. I'm worthless and useless. That's why I left and ended up with Keith and the others. I know I'm only here because of Jorel. I know no one likes me. I know I'm stupid.. It's all I'm good at."

Johnny falls quiet, feeling a wave of guilt and sadness wash over himself, "For what it's worth. I'm sorry. I know I've been mean to you... But I'm just, I don't have a lot of patience and I'm so afraid of losing Jorel. He's my best friend and since you came around.. He doesn't need me as much as he needs you and that hurts."

"But he does.. You're his best friend. I don't change that. I would never take him from you."

"We need to get back to make sure they're okay.."

"But Johnny..."

"I believe in you. I know you can do this, Ava. You have to swallow your doubts and work through this. I know you can do it. Just clear your mind and relax."

Ava bit her lip, she closed her eyes and let her mind shut off, then she begun thinking of the officers. Johnny looked down when he heard gunshots and instantly he picked up Ava and jumped off the roof. Ava kept concentrated on the officers, doing so until they were too far away for it to do anything. She let out a shaky sigh and opened her eyes.

"How'd I do?" Ava asks softly.

"Great." Johnny nods.

"Thank you." Ava sighs with relief and nods in return.

"I'm proud of you."

The words that left Johnny left her speechless, no one had ever told her that. Maybe Johnny wasn't so bad, maybe she could actually do this.

Faith sighs when she walks through the front door, she looks around the house and is put on guard at how eerily quiet the house was. She looked around before Dylan tackled her to the ground.

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