Golden Beast

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Ava sat on the bed and looked around the room, they didn't have to sleep, but it was something to do to at least feel somewhat alive. She heard Jorel walking down the hallway, that was when she stood up and fixed herself.

"Johnny wants to see us all downstairs." Jorel speaks softly.

Ava still couldn't help but feel sympathy for the man in front of her. After she heard his and Johnny's stories, a new feeling of respect built inside of her. She walked over to Jorel and tilted her head.

"Is it story time again?" Ava asks softly.

"No. He's going to teach you self control." Jorel muttered.

"Is that really something that can be taught?" Ava steps out of the room and shuts the door.

"Yes. For some of us... It is harder than others, but yes." Jorel rolls his eyes.

Ava glares at him slightly, "Oh? You mean like you. I'm sure he had a blast trying to teach you self control."

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" Jorel snaps.

"Not all addictions are drugs. So before you get ahead of yourself, take a look in the mirror."

"What did I do to you?"

"You keep treating me like I'm five! It fucking hurts. Everyone always treats me like I'm stupid." Ava chokes out and then quickly makes her way downstairs.

Jorel sighed softly, she was right, not all addictions were drugs, but his addiction to hurting himself had been gone for a long time. The only thing he was addicted to now... Was her.

Faith sat on the couch beside Johnny, she looked over the man, admiring ever aspect of him. Her eyes focused on the butterfly tattoo on his hand and then she looked away when she heard Ava come downstairs.

"We've been waiting for ages." Faith speaks softly.

"Sorry." Ava mumbles and sits down, staring at her feet.

Johnny begun, he had started talking about the basic instincts. How they needed blood to survive, but only killed those who deserved to die. How they must resist the urge to kill humans all the time and how they shouldn't ever get caught hunting, or they would be hunted down and killed... Or worse. Faith had noticed Ava wasn't paying attention, but before she could try to get Ava's attention, Johnny had already noticed and Faith could feel the anger pour from him as he stood up.

"Are you fucking stupid?" Johnny snapped at her.

Ava instantly sat still, she narrowed her eyes at him and tensed up.

"I'm telling you the most important shit you'll ever need to know and you're not even paying attention." Johnny growls.

Ava stays quiet.

"Seriously? How hard is it to not be useless here? How hard is it to listen to me? You have no fucking idea what's like to have to learn this on your own."

"At least you had a family that fucking loved you." Ava finally growls. "At least you were loved. I don't see why though, you're an asshole."

Johnny instantly went to vampire instinct, he lunged forward, but luckily Jorel had come downstairs in time to tackle Johnny away from her.

"You don't fucking touch her." Jorel snaps.

"Your stupid bitch needs to pay attention." Johnny growls.

"Don't fucking call her that and don't you ever call her useless again. /Ever/." Jorel glares at him.

Johnny shoves him to the ground and punches his multiple times in the face, "Don't fucking tell me what to do!"

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