Golden Red Rum

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Faith pushed her hand through her hair, she knocked on Danny's door and then swallowed hard when he slowly pulled the door open. His golden eyes were dim and his cheeks were tear stained, Faith looked at him with sympathy before she stepped into his room.

"Are you okay?" Faith asked softly.

"Does it fucking look like I'm okay?" Danny growls.

"You don't need to be a dick about it, Danny." Faith snaps and glares at him.

"Matty is fucking the love of my life." Danny whimpers and shakes his head.

"I know... I know it hurts." Faith sighs and shakes her head quickly.

"You don't know." Danny looks at her sadly, "I never get the woman I love."

"Danny I..." Faith looks at him and feels her breath catch in her throat. She thought Danny was over this, but that's when she realized what he had said. Danny was in love with her.

"Faith... I'm sorry, But I need this right now. I need you." Danny whispers softly as he takes her face in his hands, he presses his lips to hers and rests a hand on her hip.

Faith whimpered softly, but slowly gave in, she wrapped her arms around Danny's neck. She pulled herself up him and wrapped her legs around his waist, a soft moan leaving her lips as he pinned her back against the wall. She was completely at his control and the part of her that was still jealous over the Ava incident, really didn't care.

Johnny sighed and rubbed his face as he pushed himself out of bed, he rubbed his face and started downstairs. He wondered where Faith had gone, normally he was never this clingy, but today was the fine exception. It was the six year mark of when he killed his mother and sister and even though it was six years ago, he still felt like shit about it. Johnny frowned when he didn't hear or see her. Until he heard the noises coming from down the hallway, he clenched his fists and walked to the door. He kicked the door opened and hissed when he looked at the two on the bed and then he growled and turned away.

"Awesome." Johnny scoffed loudly and walked back to his room, slamming the door.

An hour or so later, Faith walks upstairs to the door. She opens it and then steps inside, looking at Johnny.

"Did you come to get your stuff?" Johnny grumbled.

"No. I didn't... I didn't mean for that to happen. I just wanted to help him." Faith speaks softly.

"Help him?! By jumping into bed with him?"

"Oh, So you can go out and be all over Ava, but if I do it to Danny. I'm the bad guy."

"I was not all over Ava, and I didn't fuck her. Not like you and Danny's little party downstairs."

"Danny did that thing. I can't exactly stop him after he does it."

"No, but you know he will. So why the fuck do you keep going back?" Johnny growls as he stands up. He rubs his face and then walks out the door and slams it shut, heading downstairs and away from Faith.

Ava whinces when she hears all the numerous doors slam. She scoots out of the bed and then she slowly starts to get dressed. A small sigh leaving her lips as she looks over at Jorel. He smiled at her and nodded, "I'll be down in a few."

Ava leaned to kiss his cheek before she got up and walked out of the room. She made her way downstairs and into the kitchen. She looked around and frowned, knowing someone needed to go out on a hunt soon. She shrieked slightly when the lights went off and before she could turn to see who it was she felt a pair of hands on her hips. She was pulled around and before she could get out a word, she felt a pair of lips on her own, but they weren't Jorel's. The light came on and then Faith screamed loudly.

Avalon pulled away and looked up at Johnny with wide eyes. She blinked and instantly moved away from him. Faith growls, glaring at the two.

"What the fuck?!" Faith snaps.

"I figure I'd give you a real reason to be jealous. I mean especially since you were accusing me of fucking her anyway. I better do it three time to catch up with you and make it fair." Johnny shrugs.

"You're an asshole." Faith growls. She storms out of the kitchen and then walks to the front door, she fights back angry tears as she walks out and slams it shut behind herself.

"Why would you kiss me?!" Ava shakes her head, "I'm telling Jorel."

"You better not."

"I have to."

"I'll have nothing. You fucking can't."

"I'm sorry."

Ava shakes her head and quickly walks out of the room, she rushes upstairs and practically runs into Jorel as he's coming out of the room.

"Ava? What? What's wrong?" Jorel asks in a panicked tone.

"Johnny kissed me. You were right. I should've stayed away from him." Ava whimpered and buries her face in his shoulder.

Jorel growls and wraps his arms tightly around her.

"Go wait in the room."

"But J..."


Ava nods slowly, she let's go of him and then makes her way to the room as Jorel starts downstairs.


"I can explain." Johnny hisses as he walks into the living room.

"You fucking kissed my fiancé."

"Yea, I was trying to prove a point to Faith."

"What the hell kind of point could you be possibly proving?!"

"She was jealous over me getting along with Ava. She accused me of cheating. She fucking slept with Danny again."

"Still doesn't give you an excuse to kiss my fiancé."

"My house. My rules."

"Fuck your house and fuck you. Don't talk to me anymore." Jorel snaps once before he turns and walks away.

Johnny blinks slightly and rubs his neck. Faith was now out there alone somewhere by herself, he needed to bring her back. This was his fault, but he wanted her to feel the way he did at that moment. He was hurt, he didn't meant to actually hurt her, but now he did and now he had to go find her..

Jorel walks into the room, he slams the door shut behind himself and in a matters of seconds he bursts into tears. Ava rushed over and carefully wrapped her arms around him.

"I trusted him." Jorel whimpers.

"It was just a kiss." Ava mumbles.

"So? A kiss can turn into a like..."

"He loves Faith."

"And we're moving out."

"Are you serious?!"

"Pack your things. We're leaving tomorrow."

Charlie leans into Dylan's side, clinging to him as he rested his head on his chest.

"I hear yelling. I think everyone is fighting again." Dylan mumbles.

"I wish everyone could be happy." Charlie sighs softly.

"Well... I really like the idea you had. We could try that to make them happy." Dylan shrugs a shoulder slightly.

"Do you think it would work? I mean... It's a dumb idea." Charlie mumbles.

"Of course it'll work. It's a smart idea, and you're smart." Dylan kisses his forehead.

Charlie blushes as he clings to Dylan, "I love you so much."

"I love you too." Dylan grins and leans his head back, keeping Charlie as close as he could.

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