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Matty sat up in his bed, an annoyed sigh leaving his lips when he noticed Danny staring at him.

"I have an idea." Danny smirked.

"Does it involve you leaving me alone? I like that idea." Matty scoffs.

Danny rolls his eyes, "I have a way for us to finally get what we want. You can have Ava. I can have Faith and we can get Johnny out of the house."

"I can have Ava? I'm listening."

"You're going to take control of Jorel. Make him be as rude as possible to Ava, and then make him leave. Ava will come running to you."

"Ava knows we're no good though. Charlie told her."

"Ava's stupid. She probably forgot to even tell anyone. She'll have no idea what's going on. As for our lying friend, Charlie, We're going to have him go on a little bitch spree and cheat on Dylan. We take those two out. That problem is gone. And.. If we get Jorel out of the house, Johnny is obviously going to go look for him."

"What if this doesn't work, Won't Johnny have to come back?"

"Duh... But when he comes back, everything will be unfixable."

"Alright... When do we take this plan into action?"

"As soon as you can get your hands on Jorel."

"That'll be harder than you think."

"Doubt it."

"Jorel can hear from like a mile away. He'll know."

"Just shut up and do what I said." Danny snaps.

"God. Since when are you so damn bossy." Matty rolls his eyes.

"Since you turned into a little bitch and now I have to do everything for myself." Danny growls and stands up.

"I'm not a little bitch." Matty hisses.

"You fell in love with the girl you're suppose to be after. You fucking risked your life to save her from that flesh eating monster... And then Captain airhead brought her back from the dead. If you fuck this up this time, Busek, So help me god you will regret ever being born." Danny glares at him.

"You better watch what you say, I've never tried to control you... So you might not be immune. You might lose both your eyes and your hearing." Matty snaps.

Danny moves back into the bed quickly, he pushes Matty back and leans over top of him, "Yea? I'll do you one worse. I'll make you have sex with me."

Matty growls, "I'll make you cut your own dick off. Try me, Murillo."

Danny looks at him, moving his hand slowly up Matty's body, before his hand wraps around his neck. He smirked at Matty's instant reaction to grab his arm. Danny squeezed his neck slightly and then leaned close enough that Matty could feel his breath on his face, "You're pushing your luck, Matthew."

"Fuck you." Matty hissed and pulled on Danny's arm, trying to get it away from his neck.

"You really argue too much for that..." Danny rolls his eyes.

"I'm going to kill you."

"I'm going to fuck you."

Matty growled and dugs his nails into Danny's arm, becoming frustrated each time Danny spoke. Then, before Matty had any idea what was happening, he felt Danny's lips crash down on his. Matty tried pulling away, but it was if all will left his body and he found himself kissing Danny back. A dark chuckle leaves Danny as he grabs Matty's hip, he holds the kiss just a bit longer before he instantly slips the syringe from his pocket and stabs it into Matty's leg. Matty whinces and hisses and instantly shoves Danny backward, he wipes his mouth and glares at him.

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