Family Is Forever

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Danny sat on the edge of his bed, his eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were tear stained. He'd been crying all night and hadn't left his room once. He'd never felt this kind of emotional pain. He glanced down at the gun in his left hand, he would've never considered suicide before. However, The way things were working for him. He no longer wanted to be alive or around. Everyone was a mess and it was his fault. He slowly lifted the gun to his temple as more tears started rolling down his cheeks, he clicked the safety off and whimpered as he placed his finger on the trigger. Right before he pulled the trigger, Matty kicked open the door and screamed, he moved quickly and pulled the gun from Danny's hand. A look of horror on his face.

"What the fuck?" Danny growls at him.

"Daniel. What the hell? You can't kill yourself." Matty shakes his head.

"Why the fuck not?" Danny growls.

"Daddy?" A small fragile voice whispers and then suddenly a small girl steps into the doorway.

Danny looks at her and then at Matty, "Who is that?" He asks softly.

"Scarlett." Matty whispers.

Danny all but jumps off the bed and moves to scoop the girl up in his arms, He hugs her tightly and kisses her head a few times, now crying once again. Reese steps into the doorway and looks at Danny, he swallows hard and let's Scarlett go so she can return to her mother's side.

"You did this for her, Didn't you?" Danny turns and looks at Matty.

"No." Matty shakes his head.

Danny looks at him confused, "Then why?"

"Danny, When I realized Lucifer was giving me Reese, I didn't want her for me. When she walked out of the woods, I realized the only thing I wanted, was for you to be happy. I wasn't going to let you know that because you would've been a dick about it. I started looking for Scarlett because I know that a Demon will remember their mortal life if there is something they had or have a strong connection too. I found Scarlett. It wasn't easy... But I managed. I did this for you. Theresa remembers you, Danny. Theresa wants you. Be happy. You don't have to be miserable anymore. You can have your life back." Matty smiles slightly.

"Matty... I... I don't know what to say... I was a dick to you and you just gave me back my family."

"Don't say anything, Murillo. Go on, Be happy."

Danny turns and looks at Reese, She picks Scarlett up in her arms and then steps over toward Danny. Danny swallows the lump in his throat, watching Matty leave the room out of the corner of his eye.

"It's been such a long time without you...." Reese whispers.

"But now I get to spend eternity with you." Danny smiles, happy tears now leaving his eyes as he presses his lips to hers.

Reese smiles against his lips, "I wouldn't have it any other way."


Johnny shoves his hands into his pockets as he walks down the sidewalk, he looks around and calls out Faith's name every so often, getting frustrated that he can't find her. He'd been searching all morning and to no avail, he came up empty handed. After a while he came upon a girl, sitting on the edge of the road. She had a hood over her head and her face was hidden. Johnny paused and looked down at her, realizing it was Faith almost instantly, but not saying anything. Instead he sat down beside her. Faith leaned her head against his shoulder and whimpered softly.

"I'm sorry." Faith whispers.

Johnny wraps his arm around her, "No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of done what I did.. I was just upset and I'm so afraid of losing you to Danny. You spend so much time with him and I feel like you don't want me sometimes."

"That's not true... It's just... Danny is open with me. He tells me how he feels and you. You shut me out a lot. That hurts. I don't want to be shut out." Faith whispers.

"I'm sorry... I really am. I'm not use to this love thing. I've never loved anything after I killed my mother and sister. Then you showed up. You made me feel better. You make me feel emotions I didn't know I still had. Then Danny, He keeps trying to take you away. I can't lose you. If I lose you I lose my Faith. Life won't be the same without you. Everything is so dark without you around." Johnny leans his head against hers.

"I don't love Danny the way I do you. I love you. I always will and if you let me, I want to spend the rest of eternity with you. No one else. Just us." Faith sticks her hand out.

Johnny takes her hand and squeezes it slightly, "Faith... Will you marry me?"

Faith lifts her head and turns to look at him, her eyes flash blue the same time his does, she smiles and leans forward to peck his lips, "Of course, George."

Johnny smiles and returns the kiss, "I'm not losing you again."

Faith grins and shuts her eyes, "I'm here forever."


Jorel looks over at Ava, he chews on his lip before a small sigh escapes his lips. It wasn't her fault. He couldn't stay mad at Johnny either, He was his best friend. Jorel wrapped an arm around Ava and kissed her head before he heard yelling from downstairs. Him and Ava shared a look before the two got up and then made their way downstairs. Once they got downstairs they noticed the table was set with bowls of blood at eat spot, however there was two spots on the table with what looked to be food from McDonald's. They shared a confused glance.

"What's going on?" Jorel asked as he stepped toward the table.

Danny, Reese, and Scarlett entered the room and Jorel looked at Ava once again.

"I have no idea." Danny shrugs.

"Reese.... Small child... What?" Jorel looks at Danny.

"I'll explain it when everyone is here." Danny nods.

A few moments later Matty enters the room and then Johnny and Faith walk through the front door and exchange a glance when they walk in and notice everyone standing around the table. Dylan and Charlie walk into the room hand in hand.

"Guys?" Johnny raises a brow.

"We wanted to make everyone happy. So we thought we would try Faith's idea again." Charlie smiles.

"Uh... We didn't know what demons eat. Souls probably, Be we don't have anyway so we got Reese McDonald's. It's basically the same thing. We got it for Scarlett too, Matty told us she'd be arriving." Dylan nods and smiles at the small girl.

"You guys did this?" Jorel looks at them.

"We hate that everyone is fighting all the time. We want to make everyone happy." Charlie nods slowly.

Jorel looks at Ava before him and her take a seat, Everyone else then does the same.

"I appreciate this guys." Johnny smiles and looks at them.

"We're glad." Dylan smiles and kisses Charlie's forehead.

"I got my wife and daughter back thanks to Matty. I'm happy." Danny smiles as he looks over at Scarlett as she messily eats the food.

"I'm going to marry the love of my life... And I want Jorel to be my best man... If he doesn't hate me." Johnny looks at Faith and then over at Jorel.

"Of course I don't hate you. You're family... I was pissed, I'm still kinda pissed, but I'm willing to put that behind me. You mean too much." Jorel nods and smiles faintly.

Johnny grins and looks around the table, "Family is forever."

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