We Are

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Faith stepped out of Matty's room, she let out a small sigh of relief until she noticed a crispy looking Danny walk through the room. She let out a small shaky sigh before she quietly followed him to his room, she watched as he frustratedly tried to slam his door shut, but seeing as Jorel had ripped it off the hinges nothing seemed to work. He instantly started crying again and whimpered out when he shut his hand in the door. Danny went to throw the door, but stopped suddenly when he saw Faith. She could see the look of pain in his eyes and she shook her head and looked down. Avoid eye contact. She told herself.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Danny mumbled, he set the door down and then turned and sat down on his bed.

Faith followed and stood in the doorway, she looked down at her feet and shrugs. "What happened?"

"Jorel went off the handle and tried to burn me alive." Danny muttered.

"What?!" Faith looked over at him and gasped softly.

"Yea... I deserved it. I'm the bad guy. I get it. I could sit here and tell you why it's not my fault, but it is. Why listen to me anyway? I'm just the psycho who tricked you into sleeping with him to hurt Johnny. I'm just the guy who takes what he wants and thinks of no one but himself. I wish Ava would kill me again."

"Danny... Don't say that."

"No. Fuck this. I'm not going to sit here and listen to you bullshit about how I'm good on the inside. I'm not good. That's why I have no one. I either got them killed or scared them off and now they're long gone."

"Matty isn't gone."

"I hate Matty."


"Because apparently he cares about me. Some fucking people, you sleep with them one time and then suddenly they think they're connected at the hip with you."

"Don't you dare say anything bad about him. You hurt him, Daniel. Matty is terrified and upset. He apologized to me. He was in his room crying. I didn't know why until now. How could you do that to him?"

"Because I don't care about him."

"Stop. Stop acting like you don't give a shit about anything. You were crying, You are crying. Obviously you care about something. Was it your wife?"

"Shut the fuck up."

Faith glares at him, but then she looks down and falls quiet.

"I can't help it. Okay, You know what? Yea. It was her. I miss her. I miss having people who care and people I can care about. I miss having her around because no matter how bad I felt or what I did. She was there for me. Even after I hurt her. She was there for me. She blamed herself. I let her blame herself."

Faith remained quiet.

"I'm ready to die. I am. Hell won't be bad. I'm already living in hell. Someone like me. I'm sure I'd make great friends with the devil. I couldn't fuck anything up if I were dead for good."

"Dying won't change anything."

"I know."

"You know... I use to think dying was the hard part. That life was easy.. The only thing I'd have to worry about would be dying... That's not true. Living is the hardest part. Life isn't easy. We're immortal. That means that until something kills us, or we die. We're going to have to deal with everything life throws our way, but we don't have to do that alone. You're not alone Danny. As much as you hate us. You're stuck with us. We're your family."

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