The Golden Rule

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Danny woke up on the floor, his face stung with pain. He had no idea why it hurt him so badly, he groaned and slowly he sat up and looked around the room. The gold sickened him. Always had.. but he found comfort in the godly color. He had no idea how he had ended up in his room but he wasn't about to stay there. Danny jumped to his feet and walked over to his closet, he grabbed his leather jacket and slipped into it. He then dug around further into his closet and paused when he pulled the golden mask out. Matty and him had made masks incase they needed to do other work and were worried they'd get caught. He looked around his room before he lifted the mask to his face, he tightly secured it on and then grabbed one of his snapbacks. He then stepped into the closet and closed the door, he moved behind the clothes and slide a panel aside. He then stepped into a dark hallway and pulled the panel closed behind him. He walked down the hallway for a bit before he pushed another panel and ended up outside, he then pushed in back shut and fixed himself before he headed down the long driveway and out to the road. He decided he was going to spend the night thinking of his next move. Matty had obviously done an awful job at taking Ava out and now on top of getting at Faith for Matty, he also had to get rid of Ava. Which would be harder than before since Matty suddenly knew how to feel again. Danny had found his own way down long alleyways and narrow streets, A smirk was dancing on his lips behind the mask as he had done so. That was when he noticed the form of someone leaning against the wall. He kept his mouth shut and moved forward then, he hesitated before he stuck a hand out.

"You a dealer?" Danny asked.

"You a cop?" The man grunted.

"Heroin, How much can I get?" Danny raises a brow.

"Enough to kill, But it will cost you." The man nods his head.

"Good. I got the cash." Danny pulls his wallet out and hands the man his money.

The man grins and motions for Danny to follow him to his car, pausing as he watched the man pull out a bag and hand it to him.

"What's with the mask?" The man replies and raises a brow.

"You wouldn't want to see what is under here." Danny shrugs a shoulder.

"Maybe I would."

"Alright." Danny licks his lips and grins as he slowly pulls the mask from his face, but the dim light barely illuminated his face, he opened his eyes. They flicked their solid gold color and instantly the man before him was in a trance.

"Your eyes." The man stuttered.

"You going to keep me waiting all night lover boy?" Danny smirked and stuck his hand out.

The man before him pushed his shaggy brown hair from his face and instantly stepped forward toward Danny, Danny stepped closer and kept his gaze.

"I'm waiting." Danny whispers softly.

Just like that the male pressed his lips to Danny's, Danny smirked and pushed him back against the car, keeping their lips locked. The man dropped the bag and Danny pulled his lips away, Only to press them to his jawline and then down along his neck. Danny chuckled once to himself as he let his fangs glide over his skin, the other man was desperately and needily grabbing at Danny, Danny rolled his eyes at the man's desperate need for sexual pleasure. Danny waited only a second before he bit down on the other man's neck and began instantly draining him of blood. Danny let the body fall to the ground. Then he placed his mask back over his blood covered face and grabbed the bag, Also retrieving his money from the man's pocket.

"You humans are all the same." Danny laughs and then walks away from the scene in a quick manner.

Danny starts back down the street again, only this time he crosses the road and starts toward the cemetery. Each time he continued getting strange looks from every person he passed. I fucking hate everyone. Danny growled to himself and eventually sighed with relief as he made it to the cemetery. He looked around before he followed the dark path and then paused as he looked down at one of the tombstones. Ironically it had started raining. Danny dropped to his knees and set the bag down.

"I know... I know I wasn't a great husband and I probably would've been a bad father, but I love you guys and one day, Maybe I'll see you again." Danny whispers and a few tears roll down his cheeks, "No. I won't cry. I feel nothing. I'm numb. I'm use to this. This is Johnny's fault."

Danny remember hearing about his exwife's death on TV. They said it was some strange freak accident, Danny knew who it was, but Johnny refused to believe him that something as crazy as a shapeshifting demon could exist.. At least at the time. Danny had met Quinn a few months before the incident. Quinn was the most bipolar being that he'd ever met, aside from Matty. He tricked Quinn into sleeping with him and for that she destroyed everything that he had left. Danny was devasted, but he shouldn't have been. He cheated on his wife, his pregnant wife, but he still felt wrong about it all.

Danny shoved his emotions back down into the deep pit that he always locked them in and then he stood. He wiped his face and then quickly turned and made his way out of the cemetery.

Faith had hurt him and now it was his turn to destroy everything she loved.

Jorel grins and keeps his hands over Ava's eyes as he leads her into the old carnival ground, he rests his chin on her shoulder and chuckles as he pulls his hands away. Ava blinks a few times and takes in her surroundings. It was dark, eerie, and she knew that rain was on its way.

"I love it." Ava grins softly, before she looks over her shoulder at him, "Why'd you bring me here?"

"I use to go here when I was a kid... But it closed down about ten years ago. After no one really came around to this area, so I made something cool inside." Jorel grins excitedly and pulls Ava along.

Ava laughs and looks around, confused when Jorel tells her to stay put and to close her eyes, but she does so.

Jorel flicks a switch on, turning on the lights on a small oak tree that stood in the middle if the area and suddenly the whole thing started lighting up. Jorel pulled out a small box and got down on one knee in front of her, "Open your eyes."

Ava opened her eyes and smiled happily as she looked around and admired the lights. Then she noticed Jorel in front of her, instantly tears filled her eyes.

"Now... I just want to admit that I love you. So much. I've never loved anyone this much, and I want to spend eternity with you. Will you marry me, Avalon?" Jorel smiles.

Ava quickly nods her head and sticks her hand out toward him, "Yes! Yes of course!"

Jorel slides the ring on her finger, then he lifts her and twirls her around, "I love you so fucking much."

Ava laughs, "I love you so much too."

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