Chapter Two: I Dare You...

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"I dare you

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"I dare you." -Adam Mathews, IASWAD.
CHAPTER TWO: I Dare You...

Adam Mathews

I tapped my fingers against my leg while rocking my head back and fourth listening to the music in my ears

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I tapped my fingers against my leg while rocking my head back and fourth listening to the music in my ears. Right now I really couldn't careless about anything. What do I have to care for anyways? "Adam!" A pretty brunette walked up to me flirtatiously. I took one of my ear buds out. "Were you saying something?" I asked in an annoyed tone. "Yeah I wanted to see if you could come to my party Friday night." She flipped her hair to the other side.

"I'm good."

"Come on," She pouted. "Please?"

Instead of replying, I got up off of my seat and walked away. Even though I still have four more classes left I decided to skip them and go home. I know that I'll get in trouble but so what? It's not like my dad even cares. Nobody cares whether I live or die. I've been use to it my whole entire life.

* * *

I closed the front door to my house, well more like mansion

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I closed the front door to my house, well more like mansion. You see my dad is a big CEO for one of New York's finest companies, so we have a lot of money. "Adam, is that you?" My nanny asked as she started to walk towards where I was. "Yeah Jennette it's me." I said walking into the living room. I threw my backpack on the sofa and laid down. "Why are you here so early?" She asked as she gave me a questioning look.

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