Chapter Thirty One: Weddings (Part Two)

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"I care because I'm in love with you!" -Adam Mathews, IASWAD

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"I care because I'm in love with you!" -Adam Mathews, IASWAD.
CHAPTER THIRTY ONE: Weddings (Part 2)

Adam Mathews

I don't know why I'm doing this but her reaction is priceless. Maybe it's because deep down I still like to annoy her? Or maybe it's because she's cute when she's annoyed? "Seriously get out of the way!" She fumed. You should stop, my mind commanded. "Fine, on one condition though. You let me call you anytime I want to ask you about Islam. Even if it's 5 in the morning!"

She let out a sigh. "Fine, but it better not be."

I stepped aside and let her walk past me into the rest rooms. I smirked as I saw her figure walking away.

Zamzam Amin

So far the wedding was great, everyone in the girls side was dancing, laughing and just all out having a good time. It's nice to just be happy even if the feeling is short lived. It's moments like these that are the best. "Come on!" I was pulled by Samantha on to the dance floor.

Mahi Ve was blasting throughout the whole entire place.

"That's the way, Mahi ve!" All of us sang at the top of our lungs as we danced around. We continued to dance and sing until the song finished and Aunty Amina grabbed the mic.

"Asalamualaikum everyone, I hope you're having fun. Today is a very special day. Today is the day my only daughter Fatima, is getting married and I just want her to know that I love her very much," She turned to Fatima with tears in her eyes. "I remember the day you were born the doctors told me that you might not make it. I've had three miscarriages before I was blessed with you. I remember telling them that that wasn't going to happened because I had faith in Allah and you. I could tell that you were a fighter the first time I felt you kick in my stomach. I'm so happy to have raised you the past 23 years, thank you for always making me smile. I love you so much."

Fatima quickly got off of her chair and ran into her mothers arms with tears in her eyes as well. "No Ma, thank you for everything. For holding me in your stomach for 9 months and in your heart all of my life. I promise that I will try my best to always satisfy you." She said as her grip around her mother tightened. Everyone awed at the scene while I started to feel a tear drop rolling down my cheek.

I've always admired Aunty Amina because of how strong she is. She got an arranged marriage at the age of 16 and got pregnant at 18 with her first child. Sadly he past away when he was still in her stomach at 8 months and the doctors never knew why. Then she got pregnant again with a baby girl and she passed away during child birth. Then again she got pregnant but due to a car accident her baby past away. But that didn't stop Aunty Amina, she still persevered through all of that and had Fatima. As if all of the miscarriages wasn't enough, her husband died due to an accident when he was working construction. Fatima was only five when that happened and ever since then it was her and her mom against the world.

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