Chapter Thirty Three: The End

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"How do I become Muslim?" -Adam Mathews, IASWAD

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"How do I become Muslim?" -Adam Mathews, IASWAD.

Zamzam Amin

Two months have went by and Isa was almost completely healed so he's going to California tomorrow. He still isn't allowed to box for at least another six months but now he doesn't need his crutches to walk any longer. School is about to end next week which I couldn't be more happier about! I also haven't spoken to Adam ever since I told him about Alec's men trying to kill Isa.

The most we've said to each other was a quick 'hi' when we walked passed each other in the halls. Every time he comes over to my house to see Isa he acts as if I don't exist. I guess I did this so I have to live with it. "What do you think of this dress?" Aliyah asked, taking out a light pink long sleeved dress which had light ruffles at the bottom. The whole entire dress just screamed Aliyah! It's totally something she'd wear.

"It's cute." Sam commented.

"I still can't believe your engagement party is the day after school ends." I found myself saying while looking through the racks. "I can't believe I'm getting engaged." She gushed.

"I'm going to go try this on." She said as she ran inside the dressing room.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked worriedly.

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know...I know you like Adam and you guys haven't spoken in months." She rested an arm on my shoulder. "I'm here for you Zam. Always have, always will."

"Thanks, same here." I wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

Adam Mathews

"You guys are irritating me. Like seriously just say something to her!" Alex exclaimed. I shook my head from side to side, I'm going to wait until Amir's engagement party to speak to her. It's been hard not making fun of her or just talking to her for the past couple of months.

"I need to go somewhere. Do you want to come with me?" I asked as I unlocked the car. "Sure. Where is it?" He got into the passenger seat and closed the door behind him.

"To a local Mosque."

* * *

I've been reading the Arabic to English translation Quran that Zamzam gave me for a while now. I know for sure that I want to do this. I've even told my mother already and she's fine with it which is a surprise. "Are you ready?" Alex asked as we stepped into the double doors. "Yeah, I think so." I responded nervously. You got this Adam! I mentally encouraged myself. This is what I want to do.

"Asalamualaikum my name is Sheikh Hassan." An old looking man with a long beard said as he approached us. "Can I help you guys with something?" He gestured for us to step inside. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when we walked inside the Mosque.

"How do I become Muslim?" I asked the Sheikh eagerly as I fidgeted with my fingers. This is it. After today my life won't ever be the same again. But nothing in life will ever stay the same, everything changes. Everyone changes, whether for the better or for the worse. And this...this is me changing for the better. This is me wanting to accept a religion I once perceived as violent, and ridiculous, but after I met Scarfy... all of that changed. She showed me the beauty in Islam. The beauty in believing in a higher power. And as cheesy as it might sound, she helped me realize something I never knew I was missing.

The man, who's name I think was Sheikh Hassan, smiled at me with a glint of happiness in his eyes. "That's amazing that you're interested in becoming a Muslim. As surprising as it may sound, you only have to say a few words. Why don't you and your friend come inside my office and I'll tell you everything you need to know." He said as he gestured for Alex and I to walk inside his office. We both followed him and sat in the seats across from his desks.

"Really? That's all?" I questioned, quite surprised.

I thought I was going to have to bath in some holy water or something. He then went on and explained everything to me, what I have to say, how to say it and what to do from then on. "I'm ready." I told the Sheikh confidently. I want this, no actually scratch that, I need this. All of my life I've always felt empty and no matter what I did, nothing could ever fill that void. No amount of girls, friends or alcohol could ever make me feel any better. But during these last couple of days it's like something clicked on me. When I read the English version of the Quran for the first time... I honestly couldn't describe how that felt.

"Repeat after me, son." Sheikh Hassan started off.


"Ashahadu." I repeated.

"An la ilaha."

"An la ilaha."



"Wa ashahadu."

"Wa ashahadu."

"Ana muhammadin."

"Ana muhammadin."



"Wa rusulallah."

"Wa rusulallah."

"Welcome to Islam brother Adam." Sheikh Hassan said with a wide smile spread across his face as he enveloped me in a hug. I couldn't help but smile as I hugged him back while tears made their way down my cheeks. At this moment, I honestly don't know what to say or how to say what I'm feeling. But what I do know is that I couldn't be any happier. "Congratulations man!" Alex hollered as he clung his arm over my shoulder. "Yes, congratulations indeed." Sheikh Hassan added.

I'm finally Muslim, I thought to myself. For the first time in forever, I felt like all of the stuff I've done in the past didn't matter anymore and now my slate was finally clean. It feels like I could start all over and be the person that I want to be. The person I was meant to be and man did that feel good.







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