Chapter Six: He Saved Me

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*Just love his voice ⬆️* (My JUNGKOOKIIEEE<3)

"Why couldn't the girl slap him hard enough to knock off that smirk? Damn

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"Why couldn't the girl slap him hard enough to knock off that smirk? Damn." -Zamzam Amin, IASWAD.

Zamzam Amin

"Bye Grams!" I shouted as I left the front door and started walking to the nearest StarBucks. I'm supposed to meet Adam there so he could take me wherever he was planning on taking me. I really have a bad feeling about where he's taking me.

Just like he said, he was seated at a table with a StarBucks drink in his hands. Right now he looked so careless but still very handsome. It's like he's not trying at all! Wait, what am I saying? I shook the thought away and approached him at the table. People must think it's unusual seeing a girl as awkward and quiet as me sitting at the same table with a model like creature like him. Yes notice how I said the word creature. This boy looks inhuman, and his personality is too. I wonder how his head isn't that big with all the air in it?

He finally looked up from his phone and smirked at me. Ugh, why does he always have to smirk like that!? Something was different about him today though. I just can't seem to point it out..."Hey Scarfy." I rolled my eyes at the nickname. If he calls me that one more time I swear it'll be world war 3 up in here! Take a deep breath, don't let him get to you okay? You're better than that, I thought to myself.

"Hey Cocky." I retorted as I sat down across from him. "So where is it that you're taking me? It better be somewhere public or no deal!" I added. Man I should've asked Isa to come with me. I have a bad feeling about wherever it is he is taking me, I just hope I'm wrong.

"Don't worry, they'll be a lot of people there. But, that's later on in the day. Right now," He brought out his laptop and set it on the table. "We need to work on our project." He started to type already. Dang it I forgot to bring my laptop with me! Looks like I'm going to have to type on my phone. Before I started I got up to get a drink. "Where are you going?" Adam asked as he eyed me.

"Mars," I replied sarcastically. "I'm going to get a drink." I said and got in the long StarBucks line. "Oh my god! Adam!?" A girl shrieked from behind me. This girl was undoubtedly beautiful with long blonde hair and long model like legs. I turned to face Adam and saw that he looked embarrassed. "Why haven't you called me yet? I gave you my number that night!" The girl looked upset.

"Uh Hayley right?" He asked unsure.

"Hayley!? Who's Hayley? I'm Ashley you jerk!" She slapped him hard on the cheek.

Covering my mouth, I tried so hard not to laugh but it was nearly impossible. Ha! Serves the jerk right! The girl stormed out looking as pissed as ever. Dang I feel bad for her, she fell right in to the playboy's trap. I swear I will never be one of those girls that fall so easily for guys like Adam Mathews. My dad always told me to guard my heart and to only give it to someone who deserves it. I hope In Shaa Allah that one guy will be my future husband. After ordering my usual which was a caramel Frappe, I walk back to the table only too see Adam smirking again. Did none of that effect him? Why couldn't the girl slap him hard enough to knock off that smirk? Damn.

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