It All Started With A Deleted Scene: Unseen Scenes

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These are all scenes that I had scrapped from the book and I decided to publish them all under one bonus chapter! I hope you guys love it and get to understand why some of the characters act the way they do. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! ❤️

 Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! ❤️

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Unseen Scene #1

7 Months Ago

Zamzam Amin

I let out a sigh as I sat down in the cafeteria and grabbed my favorite copy of the Quran that I own. This whole entire week has been a really stressful one for everyone in my family considering that Abdirahman's wedding is only a couple of days from now. Just read the Quran Zam, it always makes you feel better, I thought to myself as I opened up the pages. I then flipped to one of my favorite Surahs which was Surah Al Faj. As I was reading it, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me.

Slowly turning around, I noticed that two boys were staring at me. One of them quickly looked away and the other just continued to stare at me with an annoying smirk on his features. Wtf? Is there something on my face or does that guy have a staring problem?! "Hey there." The guy said as he approached me. "Do you want something or do you just enjoy staring at people?" I retorted with a fake smile plastered on my face. I really don't have the patience for people like him. "Actually now that you asked, I do. You see you're the only girl in this school who hasn't tried to flirt with me. Why is that?" He questioned as he sat across from me.

I couldn't help but scoff. Who does this guy think he is? "And you are..?" I trailed.

"I'm Adam Mathews." He stated.

"And I'm not interested." I got up and walked away.

" I got up and walked away

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Unseen Scene #2

14 Months Ago

Abdirahman Amin

I can do this, I thought to myself as I ran my hands through my hair nervously. I had called my parents into the living room so that I could talk to them about Ihsan and how I want to marry her. This girl is everything I have ever wanted in a woman and so much more. Whenever I think of her I can't fight the stupid smile that comes on my face. I think I knew that she was the one for me the first day that I met her. We went to the same university and this man was bothering her. At first I was going to interject and help but she beat me to the punch.

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