Chapter Seven: Mr Perfect Is Not So Perfect

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{That's the picture I drew (let's pretend Zamzam drew this although it's not that good

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{That's the picture I drew (let's pretend Zamzam drew this although it's not that good.}


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"I guess he isn't so perfect after all." -Zamzam Amin, IASWAD.

CHAPTER SEVEN:  Mr Perfect Is Not So Perfect

Zamzam Amin

"Guess what today is!?" Zahra shrieked, jumping up and down. You know for a girl who's a senior in high school she sure is childish. Don't get me wrong it's not in a bad way at all. In fact I'm pretty childish too. And when we're together we're super childish. I mean have you seen all the pranks we've pulled on Amir over the years? We're like the dynamic duo!

I started jumping along with her. "What's today!?" I asked excitedly. I honestly don't know why we're jumping but I kind of like it. She finally stopped jumping and held me down. "It's the girls masjid event day!" She shrieked once again. These girls events happens twice every year. It's a day all of the sisters at our local masjid get together, eat, play sports, do poetry etc. I used to go to it a lot with my mom.

I suddenly didn't feel so excited anymore. I mean how can I be? The last time I went was with mom, I remember that day so clearly.

"Let's go!" Mom shouted excitedly. We got out of her car and approached the masjid. Today felt like such a nice sunny happy day and you know what else made it more perfect? Spending the day with my mother.

"Are you okay?" Zahra asked me worriedly. I nodded my head slowly with a faint smile. It was fake, I can't even try to smile sincerely. I still feel that pain in my chest, the longing for her. I will always feel that for the rest of my life. There's no way to get over a loss like that.

"We don't have to go. I mean we can get some snacks and pop in a few movies if you want." She gave me a reassuring smile. "I don't want to make you stay. We should go." I said with all the confidence I could muster up. I can do this! Zahra smiled at me before attacking me in a hug. "I'm so proud of you! You know that right? I mean you're so strong Mashallah!" She gushed.

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