*Isa [4]*

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"That's all I ever wanted to be ever since I was little

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"That's all I ever wanted to be ever since I was little. And now I can be it." -Isa Amin, IASWAD.

Isa Amin

Dear Isa Amin,

I opened up the letter I got from the mail this morning eagerly. The only person that knows that  I applied for a boxing scholarship in California a couple of months ago was Abdirahman. I never really thought I'd hear back from them. But here it is, the letter that decides my future. "Bismillah." I said as I continued to read it.

...we are pleased to announce that you have been accepted...

I looked over the words, again and again to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

You will need to be here by June to start your training.

Best of luck!

~Sincerely John.

When I was applying for this scholarship I didn't think I had a shot at getting in. I also didn't think of what my family would feel about this. All I thought about was myself. My dream, what I wanted to do with my life. I didn't think of how it would affect them. All I thought of was trying to be like Muhammad Ali.

A Muslim boxer who stands up for what he believes in and protects the people he loves. That's all I ever wanted to be ever since I was little. And now I can be it.

"Do you think I should do it?" I asked my brother as I set my boxing gloves down. He took a seat next to me and placed his arm over my shoulder. "I think you should do what makes you happy and if this is what makes you happy then go for it. Honestly if you're worried about how Baba and Grams will take the news then don't be. They want what's best for you, I want what's best for you and so does Zam." He said reassuringly.

His words echoed in my head. I quickly dialed his number and placed my phone on my ear.

"Assalamualaikum," I could hear him yawn on the other line.

"Walaikumusalam. Guess what? I got accepted."

"No way. Congratulations lil bro!" He sounded genuinely happy for me.

"Can you help me tell everyone else?"

"Of course. I'll be there around 7 o'clock." He then hung up. I looked back down at the letter in my hands with worry. Are they really going to be happy for me? Or will I just be making things harder for everyone else like before? So many questions flowed through my mind at that moment.

As I walked into my room I opened my drawer and grabbed the first boxing gloves that I ever owned. I remember the day I got it as if it were yesterday. I was with Mama when I saw these gloves through a glass window while we were walking around the mall. I kept on pestering her until she bought it for me.

"I want to be like Muhammad Ali!" A 7 year old version of me said as I clasped the gloves in my hands.

"In Shaa Allah you will one day." Ma said as she ruffled my light brown curls.

"Every single time I win a competition I will be thinking of you and the day I got my gloves."

Would she be proud of me today? I've won 20 competitions so far and I've thought of her after every single one of them. "Isa." Zamzam barged into my room. I quickly put away the gloves and got off of my bed.

"What's up?"

"Can you come with me somewhere?"

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