*Isa [1]*

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Whenever I'm writing in any other characters POV other than Adam and Zamzam it'll be its own little part. I hope you guys like this! So this is not exactly a chapter it's just a look at Isa's life and what he goes through. Enjoy!

"I did this to myself so I have to get myself out of it

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"I did this to myself so I have to get myself out of it. No matter how impossible it may be." -Isa Amin, IASWAD.

Isa Amin

"Take it easy bro. What did that punching bag ever do to you?" Abdirahman commented with an amused laugh. He knows that I have a big tournament in just two weeks yet he's at the studio, distracting me. Instead of talking I walked over to the bench and sat down. I need to win this tournament. I've been training for it for the past 8 months! This tournament helped me deal with everything going on. After mom died instead of continuing to fight, I took up boxing again. I've been training for this moment for a long time.

"What if...what if I don't win this?" I couldn't help but worry. My brother sat down next to me and draped his arm over my shoulder. "Don't talk like that. Okay? You'll do great!" He said reassuringly. I still can't help but feel anxious about it. I've waited for this moment for the longest time.

"You need to get your feelings out someway Isa! You can't keep getting into fights!" My counselor told me while running his fingers through his hair. I clenched the arm rest of the chair I was sitting on feeling anger radiate throughout my whole entire body.

"So what do you want me to do!?" I scoffed at him. How does he expect me to not feel like this? My whole entire family is falling apart! "I don't know but since you like to fight why don't you do it competitively. Like boxing?" He suggested. Boxing? The last time I boxed was two years ago during a tournament when I got severely injured.

I got up off of the chair I was sitting on. "No thanks I'd rather handle things my way." I said as I walked out of his office.

I knew sooner or later I would take his advice and start boxing again. It was just a matter of time. I'm glad I started doing it again because if I didn't I would've still gotten into fights. I would be making things harder for my family rather than help make things easier.

"Thanks bro." I smiled slightly. Now I feel more confident about it.

* * *

"So what are we going to do about Adam? I don't trust him around Zam." Amir commented as we walked into footlocker. I came to buy new shoes for the match and I also wanted to get some other stuff. "I don't know. I guess we should just warn him to not try any tricks on her. What else can we do?" I responded as I examine a pair of Adidas.

Just as we entered I noticed someone staring at me from across the store. "Isa!" The guy across the store walked towards me. That's when I noticed who it was, Avon Becks. A few other of his friends saw me and walked to where I was. How the hell did they know I was here!? Were they following me? However they found me I didn't care, I just can't stand to look at him."What the hell do you want Avon?" I asked in a bored tone.

Amir who was standing next to me, gave me a questioning look. I turned back to Avon and his men who were glaring at me. "Ouch, that hurt." He feigned hurt as he placed a hand on his heart and pouted. "I don't have time for your games so get to the chase, Becks!" I shouted irritatedly. Everything about this guy annoys the living hell out of me.

He took a step closer to me and laughed. "It's just funny how we run into each just weeks before the big match. I can't wait to beat the living crap out of you in front of your friends and family." He said tauntingly. Calm down Isa, I repeated while taking in a deep breath. "This is just great. Also, don't forget about what I said that day. You only have a couple of weeks to decide or else... Well you know." He then started to walk away with his crew following him.

Just thinking about what happened that day made me want to punch something. I can't believe I only have a couple of weeks to do something about it before the situation becomes worse. "What just happened!?" Amir questioned. Shit! I forgot he was standing there witnessing this. "Nothing, just don't ask me about it okay? I'll explain it to you when I'm ready." I responded with a sigh.

I can't have anyone find out about what happened that day. I can't have my family find out about the trouble I got myself into. I did this to myself so I have to get myself out of it. No matter how impossible it may be.

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